The Blog

don't be a commodity

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People complain about blue collar workers being out of work (they are), or finding a way to bring manufacturing back (you can’t), or some other way to revitalize our 20th century view of the middle-class. Sorry, it's gone.  It's not coming back. In a crowded marketplace, fitting in is failing.  In a busy marketplace, not […]

draw your own map

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It takes guts to create something from scratch. It takes guts because you’re in uncharted territory.  If you’re inventing, designing and building something from the ground up – from idea to physical, tangible product – there is no template to follow. It takes guts because your project might fail.  Your product (or service, or initiative, […]

instigate before it's too late

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When the choice is to lose an hour of sleep or finish that proposal for a new client, what do you choose? We all understand crunch time - refocusing and re-energizing our work to meet a deadline. But let's say there is no deadline - that the only deadline is your life expectancy.  Could be tomorrow, could […]

what will you create

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Too many options... That's the problem we have now. Too many options. 20+ years ago, that wasn't the problem. There was a bottleneck of information, production, and distribution. That bottleneck created scarcity. Those who controlled the land, factories, or people decided what would be created and what shipped. Not now. You don't have to wait […]

on choosing your purpose

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We live in a world with infinite possibility; infinite room for growth; infinite choice. Yet society at large is depressed. Why? Being happy requires that you define your life in your own terms and then throw your whole heart into living your life to the fullest." - Brian Tracy Because real happiness comes from choosing […]
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