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Why I Give it All Away

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I got a thought provoking email the other day from Resistance member Tom Owens. With his permission, I wanted to share part of it with you: You've done bang-up work on your two blog posts explaining PWYW and how it's helped you. However...I think more than one person might pause. "If he's still doing so […]

Spend Your Best Words Today

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Great Work (part 3 of 3) This is the final post in a short series on great work. To be honest, I originally wrote a short book’s worth of content on this topic. But right before I hit publish, I decided to scrap everything and get to the heart of what I wanted to say: […]

Never Compromise

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Just One Person In my previous post, I wrote about great work. Great work is impactful work – the kind that resonates with a person (or a million people) for years to follow. The sole criteria for determining great work is impact, and that’s specifically and uniquely determined by the person or people experiencing the […]

Creating Your Character

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I have an acquaintance I speak with on occasion. I’ve known this guy for a long time.  Since I’ve known him, he’s always complained to me about his job: he hates it. His hate for his job isn’t for lack of pay or perks – they are way above average.  The dislike is for the […]
The Tools of the Trade The role of the creative entrepreneur is to invent, design and build something profitable, personal and creative. To do that, we need a set of tools that enhance our work and magnify our impact. The following is a quick list of tools I’ve found ESSENTIAL in designing my new company […]

What Will You Do With Your Dreams?

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Dreams We all have them. Not just the kind when we sleep, but the more important ones – the ones we have when we’re awake. They come to us when we’re driving home from work, when we go for a long run, when we reminisce over war stories with an old friend. These dreams usually […]
Action It’s simple enough to understand that you must instigate to be successful. It’s much more difficult to put this understanding to use. And if our logical conclusions aren’t actionable, what’s the point? Here are a few quick tips I’ve compiled from some extremely clever, creative and successful people on how they created great works […]
Remarkable This is a word not used often enough to describe the type of product we SHOULD be trying to produce. When we create a remarkable product, it means we’ve built something that not only impacts the person receiving the product (consumer, purchaser, reader, etc.), but we’ve impacted them in such a way that they […]
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