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[ecourse] Launch Your Book To Bestseller - day 6 of 8

launch your book to bestseller

How to Build a High-Converting Book Sales Page (Day 6)

Did you get here from a link from a friend? To get access to all the content, make sure you sign up for this free training right here.

Wow, day 6 already…

Crazy how time flies when you’re having fun and learning how to sell thousands of copies of your book – am I right or am I right?

As a quick summary, here’s everything we’ve covered up to this point:

  1. Intro to book publishing (and why you should start today)
  2. An overview of The Book Marketing Canvas (the one tool that will set you apart from 99% of self-publishers out there)
  3. Intro to The Bestseller Book Launch Sequence, which was developed by my publishing company Insurgent Publishing, and has been used for NUMEROUS bestsellers in multiple categories
  4. How to create a collaborative working document, how to set an appropriate goal for your book, and how to identify alternative marketing channels that will help you stand out in a noisy crowd...
  5. And much more…

Note: if you are landing on this page because of a referral from a friend, to get access to these previous lessons you need to optin here.

If you've already opted in but have not received one of these lessons, check your spam folder. Sometimes robots put my emails in your spam folder. I hate these robots.

p.s. at the end of this course, you'll get a link to a secret page with all the lessons categorized and accessible for your convenience. You're welcome ;D

And now that you’ve done all that, it’s time to focus on the “forward-facing” piece of the publishing pie…

Your high-converting book sales page.

A Crappy Book Sales Page = Less Sales

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve come across compelling books and wanted to buy…

But then I land on the author’s sales page and it:

  1. Looks like it was made on a geocities page in the 90’s
  2. Confuses / bewilders me with lots of text (or not enough text on the right topics) and no clear Call-to-Action
  3. Has WAY too much going on (see above)
  4. Loads ridiculously slow…

And at the end of the day, I don’t buy.

I close the tab, or back out of the page...

And I forget I was ever there.

If the majority of online users are like me (and, statistically, I know they are…more on this below), they’ll never come back to this page again.

Sale = LOST.

Statistics Behind Bad Sales Pages and Lost Sales

You’d think in the age of powerful, simple, WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) website development software and landing page editors, that more authors would be able to create compelling, beautiful sales page…

Alas, this is not the case.

And I can promise you this – not having a clear and compelling book sales page will KILL your book sales.

  • Did you know it takes a person only .5 seconds to form an opinion of your website (and you and your book by extension)?
  • Did you know that for every second your book sales page takes to load, you’re losing about 5-7% of your customers? This means that if 100 people visit your book sales page and it takes more than 4 seconds to load, you’ve ALREADY LOST 25 potential book customers and readers?
  • Did you know that 85% of people abandon a page because of poor design?


So there are a lot of ways to fail online.

But the good news is – it doesn’t have to be this way!

Today, I’m going to show you exactly how to create your high-converting book sales page…

I’m also going to tell you what to AVOID – all the silly bells-and-whistles amateurs use because they think it’s cool or because they see other people doing it, but that doesn’t actually affect your bottom line (or worse, destroys it).


Let’s do it…

Step 10: Build Your High-Converting Book Sales Page

Every author needs a high-converting book sales page for EVERY book they write.

The good news is that building a high-converting sales page can take as little as a few hours to build, it really just depends on how clear your message is (and whether you want to invest in the right tools to build a fast loading, beautiful sales page).

Here’s the deal:

When it comes to sales page design, simple and clear is always the best option.

Examples of High-Converting Book Sales Pages:

Here’s what you’ll notice about all three of these sales pages:

  1. They’re clean looking (aesthetically pleasing, which builds trust)
  2. They load fast (so they don’t lose customers to slow loading speeds)
  3. They have a clear Call-to-Action (buy the book!)

Now you might be thinking:

“Okay Tom, that sounds good and all…but I’m not a designer and I have no idea where to begin.”

Don’t worry, I’ll feed you baby bird.

Let’s start with the basics…

The Structure and Elements of a High-Converting Book Sales Page

The structure of a High-Converting Book Sales Page is as follows:

  1. Call-to-Action above the fold
  2. What you will learn in the book
  3. Who should read the book
  4. Endorsements and testimonials
  5. Free chapter download
  6. Take a peek inside / bonuses
  7. About the author
  8. Final Call To Action + Guarantee (bonus: more testimonials)

1. Call-to-Action above the fold

Strong, one sentence heading (minimal text) next to an ebook picture with a “buy now” button + 1 endorsement.

If you can fit it in, you can also add a few bullet points to drive home the purpose and benefit of your book to the reader.

Here’s an example of The 7 Day Startup above the fold Call-to-Action;


2. What you will learn

Remember the section in The Book Marketing Canvas about the target readership's PROBLEM or PAIN point, as well as your SOLUTION to the problem?

This becomes the “What you will learn section”;

16 the 7 day startup

This section should speak directly to your target readership (they should be silently nodding in agreement as they read).

If you have trouble wording this section, just ask your Ambassador Group to provide feedback and help you nail the language (surveys are also incredibly effective for this because you can use the exact same language your readers use).

3. Who should read it

You can pull this directly from your Book Marketing Canvas as well (target readership / early adopters).

For The 7 Day Startup, we knew we were solving the problem of the target readership: “wantrepreneurs” (people who had great ideas but could never properly execute them). Knowing the problem we were solving, it was easy to come up with a list of bullet points for our sales page that spoke directly to this demographic.

17 the 7 day startup

Every bullet point here is the solution for a common “wantrepreneur” problem (or at least identifies the problem wantrepreneurs have – like the concept of validation – and shows that we have the solution).

4. Endorsements / Testimonials / Reviews

Testimonials, reviews, and endorsements should be added from select influencers or your audience who get early access to your book in exchange for sales page testimonials / reviews.

This is an example from Jeff Goins’ The Art of Work (he did a great job getting MASSIVE names in his industry to contribute a testimonial to his book);


5. Free Chapter Download

This part is optional, but highly encouraged.

A free chapter download isn’t just good for sales, but for building your authors platform (email list).

Here’s an example of Nathan Barry’s free chapter offer;


The beauty of this is that Nathan has an autoresponder series setup on the backend, which means even if people aren’t ready to buy now, they may be by the end of the free email training sequence (this is an advanced technique I cover in Module 3 of Publishers Empire).

6. Take a Peek Inside

Remember the part in The Book Marketing Canvas about what makes your book unique; your book’s Unique Sales Proposition?

This becomes the “sneak peak” section:

peak inside

This is also the place to show off any cool bonuses or content upgrades you plan to giveaway with your book.

Note: books sell a LOT better when they come bundled with bonuses or content upgrades. For the sake of brevity, I won't cover bonuses and content upgrades here, but we cover them extensively in

7. About the Author

The about the author section is your chance to talk  BRIEFLY about yourself…


But it’s mostly an opportunity to talk directly to the potential reader and explain WHY they should buy your book.

Start by telling the reader who you are, and then immediately focus on the BENEFITS of the book for the reader (how will he or she be better after having read your book?).

A few final notes:

  1. Be personable
  2. Write in first or third person (first is probably more personable, but it’s up to you)
  3. Always include a picture
  4. Have a Call-to-Action right by this section (if people like you from your about the author section, they’ll want to buy immediately)

8. Final Call-to-Action + Guarantee

The best way to finish your high-converting book sales page is to add a final, powerful Call-to-Action and a money back / satisfaction guarantee.

Note: If you just plan to link your book sales page to, a guarantee is probably overkill since Amazon has their own return policies and handles refunds.

However, for more expensive books (read $100 white papers or $300 “complete package” versions of your instructional book), a guarantee (30 to 60 day, 100% money back guarantee) is a great way to build trust and get the reader over the hurdle of spending so much money.

Finally, it’s always okay to include more testimonials and reviews. In fact, the general rule of thumb is that the more testimonials or reviews (with pictures / videos) the better.

What Technology Should I Use to Build My Sales Page?

On the technical front, there are dozens of ways to build a book sales page.

One option is to hire a professional designer and shell out $10,000 for a great book sales page.

There’s nothing necessarily wrong with this, but there are more cost-effective ways to build a compelling, high-converting book sales page, so that’s what I’m going to show you today.

3 Simple Tools to Build a High-Converting Book Sales Page

1. Basic WordPress Landing Page Design

WordPress is the primary website creation tool used by the majority of big name bloggers, podcasters, authors, and publishers. Because the majority of people use it, you’ll find thousands of plugins and extensions that make customizing your website a breeze (and many are free).

If you’re really on a budget, the simplest way to create a high-converting book sales page is to create a new “page” and select “landing page” to set the type of page you’re creating. This will remove any distractions like headers, footers, and sidebars (which should be avoided at all costs on book sales pages).

Here's an example of a baked-in landing page that comes with the Newrainmaker theme (that I use at;


The trade-off is that, while this is free, it’s a bit more complicated to get a good looking sales page setup (and may require a basic level of understanding of HTML).

If you don’t want to learn HTML and would prefer something more “plug-and-play”, then the next tool is for you…

2. OptimizePress

Optimizepress is my favorite sales page / splash page plugin for WordPress.

It’s simple, fairly intuitive, and most importantly - EXTREMELY flexible.

You can customize just about every feature and aspect of your sales page down to the smallest detail. This level of customization is why I love the tool so much (and because it’s relatively inexpensive, I have no concerns sharing it with anyone looking to build their own sales pages).

In fact, you can create an entire site on Optimizepress, although I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it because there are faster and easier ways to build a full author’s website, which we won’t cover in this free course (although it is something I cover in depth in Publishers’ Empire).

As an example, Dan Norris’ The 7 Day Startup sales page was built on Optimizepress, which is partly responsible for the over 20,000 book sales Dan has had since launch.

3. LeadPages

LeadPages lets you create highly-optimized sales and squeeze pages, deploy them on the LeadPages server (or on your own, so the url would look like this:, and have them up and running in just a few minutes. Which means if you were using the software right now, you could have a professional looking book sales page that loads lightning fast up and ready to sell your book before the day is out.

LeadPages is the most expensive solution because it requires a monthly or annual payment to use their software. This means it may not be right for you if you’re on a budget…but I also recommend you consider what you plan to make from your writing, and if the answer is over $1,000 / month, then LeadPages could be the perfect investment. Not only will it help you sell books, but you can use their LeadBoxes technology to accept subscribers and deliver free chapters (something very few other pieces of software let you do). And their new technology lets you create templates based on sales pages that you find online (with permission), which makes this tool truly powerful.

What You Should Avoid at All Costs with Your Book Sales Page Design

So I’ve given you the structure of a high-converting book sales page and shown you a couple examples…

But there will still be people who want to add more “stuff” to their sales page. For what reason, I don’t know...maybe adding stuff to a website fulfills some primal urge in us? I guess we’ll never know…

So instead of trying to fight it, I just want to explicitly state what you should AVOID at all costs when it comes to creating a book sales page.

In order of importance (to avoid, that is):

1. Sidebar

Remove the sidebar from your sales page. There should be nothing distracting the reader from the primary Call-to-Action (buying the book). Unless the sidebar is an option to buy the book and that’s it.

2. Menu Bar (header)

Remove your pages menu bar at the top, if you can (and if it doesn’t totally offend you). Anything that’s not about the book on your book sales page should be removed, even navigation to other pages on your website.


No need to have comments on your book sales page. Remove those.

4. Competing Call-to-Actions

Want people to buy your book, tweet your book, leave a comment, and join your list? Stop. Remove all but one of those goals. Now make sure everything is directed toward that one objective.

This means if you’re creating a book sales page, buying the book is all that should happen.

5. Flash videos or bandwidth-intensive “stuff”

Seriously, keep it simple.

It might seem cool to have some sort of flash-whatever installed on your sales page to make you “stand out” but I promise you this – you’ll just look bad. The best book sales pages keep it simple.

At MOST include a compelling, 3-minute or less video so visitors can get to know you and learn why they should buy the book (consider this a book trailer and / or “explainer” video).

Your Turn – Leave a Comment Below!

Alright, that wraps up this lesson on building a high-converting book sales page.

My hope is that this gave you everything you need to build a crazy awesome book sales page.

Now your homework:

Leave a comment below and share your book sales page below – or the book sales page of someone you know – and let me know how YOU would improve it.

After you give your view on your own sales page (yes, this requires self-critiquing…don’t worry, it’s healthy), I’ll give you direct feedback on what you could improve.

How’s that for awesome free education?

See you in the comments below! 


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56 comments on “[ecourse] Launch Your Book To Bestseller - day 6 of 8”

  1. I don't need a sales page. Without the traffic it's just a flashy and expansive gadget.
    I have no idea how to properly generate traffic. My blog gets about 15 visits a day after 1.5 years.

    The closest thing to sales page is my sign-up page. I would gladly take some advice on it:
    I give its address only at the end of my books.

    1. 1. You need a sales page if you want to sell more books.

      At a MINIMUM it's a lead generator - you can give out free chapters of your books in exchange for an email address. This is a no brainer for authors if you don't want to be dependent on Amazon and their 30 - 65% cut.

      2. Driving traffic is simple, but not easy. What do you write about? Is it something that is interesting and useful? Then share it. People will come. If it's good, they'll share it (if you make it easy for them to)...maybe not the first time, but possibly on the 3rd or 4th visit.

      3. Feedback on free gift page

      Pros - it's simple, no sidebar, it's clean.

      Cons -
      - no clear call to action (it's there, just not in - focus on ONE big button below one book...or offer all 4 books in a bundle and one button that allows the reader to do is, the text under the books is easy to miss)
      - too much text! And it's not about the reader at all!!!! you should remove the majority of the first two paragraphs and get it down to a sentence + some bullet points? focus on the benefits to the reader if they download (what's in it for THEM)

      I would also add some testimonials for good measure ;D

  2. How do you feel about ? That's what I was planning on using for my sales page.

    I'm with Michal, my site has received less than 5000 pageviews over the course of it's 3+ year life. Your alternative marketing channels just don't work for me. Once you step away from the fandoms, sci-fi blogs simply don't get traffic. It simply isn't how sci-fi readers operate.

    1. Good design. Not sure about paying $12 / month for something you should be able to do with a basic WordPress site and plugins...or upgrading to LeadPages to get way more flexibility and much more advanced features for list building, split testing, etc.

      re: alternative marketing channels not working for you...

      Alternative marketing channels, by definition, will work for anyone on any project. The key is to figure out which ones work for you.

      If sci-fi readers don't read sci-fi blogs, maybe they watch Youtube videos on a particular topic, or maybe many of them play video games (so scope out video game blogs / podcasts), or maybe they interact in specific forums, etc.

      This is a tough process, but it's the only way to get traction with a book. Otherwise you go the TRADITIONAL route and guess what - that's a very crowded place to be competing.

  3. I don't have an actual book sales page up yet, but I like Edward's reference to and would also like your opinion on that.

    Right now the closest thing I have up is like a pre-sales page I guess at that invites people to participate in a 30 day challenge based on the book and also gives away a free copy of the book to build the early notification list.

    Here's a book sales page that I think does a pretty good job of what you described above. The changes according to your training would be having the call-to-action above the fold, adding an about the author section, and adding more testimonials/endorsements. The more I look at it, I guess technically it's not a book sales page. It's a way for people to get more information about a book through materials related to the book. I guess the only thing missing to make it a book sales page would be links to buy the book.

    So two questions...
    What is your opinion of
    What changes would you make to The Miracle Morning book sales page at to make it more effective?

    Thanks Tom!

    1. re: - sales pages look good, but I'm just not sure about $12 / month for the features they list when you could do it for cheaper on your own site (hacking together a few plugins - mostly free), or pay a bit more for a LOT more flexibility re - leadpages. That said, I have NOT used the platform so I could be missing something. It's absolutely worth testing to see what you like!

      re: sales page
      1. cut the first image at the top in the header.
      2. tweak header / subheader...make the header bigger and subheader smaller
      3. get the optin box above the fold if you can ( or better yet, replace with a leadbox)
      4. video box seems awkwardly small...
      5. add more testimonials...rudy is pretty baller though.

  4. Again, awesome post Tom! I decided to take a couple twists with your ideas above and kept everything above the fold. On the main page of I have the subscription box above the fold, so I wanted to see if I could do that with this capture page too. I left out the photo of myself, but I think it works, and MOST importantly, its done ("A good plan today is better than the perfect plan tomorrow" --Patton (though I might be paraphrasing a bit here))

    1. I think you could make your page even simpler. Headline, subtitle, and then optin box.

      (below optin box, and a 'i want free access' button, you could include images of books you've given away for a $1...)

  5. I like the idea of the design of this page, but if you have multiple books, it would seem like a lot to have one for each and to keep them all up. If this page is mainly for launch, what do you recommend to keep everything on display past launch?
    I have 3 books out currently (and a fourth that needs updating) and I have them all on one page with buy buttons or links. I just figured I need a better, more store-like design to keep it from looking cluttered. The single page certainly cleans things up, but again, that could get overwhelming too.

    1. Cheryl, PLEASE create a single page for each book! Your conversion will be so much higher, at least if you ever direct people to a SINGLE book versus ALL your books (which is exactly what you should be doing if you want to sell more books, trust me).

  6. Right off the bat I ran into trouble.

    My book title is Thrive!
    The URL took me to a page with a single tiny message, “This domain is not for sale.” I do own the domain but I use it for my business as an editor.

    The other domain I own is , the domain for my blog. People are accustomed to find my cultural commentary there, and it would not be hard to add a page to that domain, but I really want a standalone domain for the book.

    Since use of Joseph's four principles is pitched internally as being comparable to the sailing strategy “heaving to,” I tried the domains and . Neither of these domains is taken, but I don’t really like them. I’m not selling a book about sailing; I’m selling a book about living successfully.

    I explored LeadPages, and that is way beyond my budget. looks like the thing for me.
    I made a sample page for my launch. Obviously, the text is first rough draft. It needs to be edited. In fact, it needs complete rewrite, but it gave me a feel for the things I want to do.

    1. Looks good Katherine. Sales page needs some work - too text heavy and obviously a lot of stuff needs to be included (testimonials, images, etc.), but you are getting there. Well done!

  7. Tom--

    This has been a fantastic course. I'm still working through most of the lessons, so I'm not quite keeping up, but I sure feel a heck of a lot more capable now than before I started.

    I have an author website, but no direct sales page yet. I'll be starting in on it this week for the new book. Since I have an account with WordPress, I'll be going with that. I'm curious to see how I can adapt the non-fiction template to a fiction work.

    Thank you!


    1. The same general rules apply. I would search out particular fantasy books that you really like to see how they do it...even the most famous authors may fall flat on their book sales pages, so don't just mimic the first one you see.

      For fiction, you want to pull people into the story and get them excited by the prospect of a new adventure (or whatever type of fiction you're writing is all about).

      I would particularly draw inspiration from video games and other types of media that aren't self-improvement related to see how they hit the reader (this is pretty high level analysis, so start with books)

  8. Thanks for another informative post, Tom. After reading your post and the comments I think I need to work on my website. I'll give you the link anyway. Any help is great help. I am on a really tight budget. Can you recommend any freebie sites offering alternatives to LeadPages and booklaunch. I can't thank you enough for this fab training.

    1. Leadpages is still the best. Otherwise, WordPress comes with landing pages backed in most themes...they're really basic, but if you don't want to pay for a solution you'll need to hack one together.

  9. Here's my book sales page

    Your course helps me a lot ... I need to rework my book sales pages. Where's my call to action? How come I have the header on the sales page? I'll roll up my sleeves and get to work fixing these and anything else that doesn't make the page effective (using your course suggestions to guide me - thanks!)

    1. Dave, two seconds on that page and I was already ready to leave. Too much text. Not clearly a book landing / sales page. Where are the images and call to action? You are definitely headed in the right direction and based on your comment here, I think the next iteration will be great.

  10. Hai Tom, nice to be among your community. i dont have any sale page at the moment , Because i am yet to finish my first book. ,when i am ready i will like to take some advice. . By The way , when is the best time to inform my would be audience about my book ?. hope to hear from you soon. God bless your efforts.

  11. Hi Tom,

    Thanks for this lesson, it's been really useful.

    My page is still a work in progress, but thanks to your tips it's better than it was.


  12. Hey Tom,

    I know that a key part of sales pages are testimonials, but how do you go about getting those if you're just starting out and don't have a finished product / book yet?

    1. give the book to people early in exchange for a review / testimonial.

      if it's not finished, don't launch it then - or give yourself enough time to get the reviews / testimonials you need.

  13. Thanks for these tips.

    I actually own both Leadpages and Thrive Themes. And I regret buying Leadpages, because I find their templates either too basic or too complicated. For a cheap book less than 10 dollars, I didn't find any template.

    So I created the following page with Thrive Themes.

    I'm still trying to figure out why it converts so bad. Any idea after a quick look at the landing page?

    1. yeah, Leadpages is not a complete's not good for most things, in fact...but it is VERY good for a few things, and that's why i use it. 🙂

      re: design...i would simplify it. make it more graphic heavy (relevant graphics). and spruce it up with a ton of testimonials and reviews

  14. "Leave a comment below and share your book sales page below – or the book sales page of someone you know – and let me know how YOU would improve it."

    OK. This is the site for my previous book, "RECORD & RELEASE: Learn How To Podcast In Just One Day":

    What would I improve?

    1) I think the copywriting is weak. None of it seems super-compelling and doesn't seem to address any of the reptile-brain stuff that supposedly makes people buy. It's very fact-y, and my understanding is that facts don't sell.

    2) I think I'd skip trying to sell the book right there on the page, and instead focus the page solely on getting people to opt in to my list.

    I intend to remedy both of these issues with my next book, even if I have to hire someone to write copy for me; after all, if I had the ability to write good copy myself in the first place, I would have done it already!

    Making the page opt-in only is easy enough from a technical standpoint, but again - creating a sufficiently-compelling lead magnet will require some decent copywriting. I'm not sure giving away a free chapter will be as compelling as, say, an e-mail course.

    OK, Tom, let's hear your critique of the page!

    1. Decent look and feel. Yes, copywriting could use some work...and I'm not sure about the pricing. It seems pretty *light* to charge $40+ for just a PDF in a topic area where it's pretty easy to find comprehensive resources for free.

      My recommendation - bulk up the bonuses...I'm sure there are additional spreadsheets and things you can throw in to justify the higher cost.

      As for the sales pg vs optin page thing...

      us this as the sales page, but send people to a free course - then sell this at the end of the 3 to 5 day course.

  15. I am glad to be here,Tom. You have chahnged my ideas about self publishing forever!

    My debute novella(historical fiction) is almost finished.

    I have no wesite yet but I have. checked Rainmaker; I will choose it when my book is ready.

    I have a FaceBook Page : friendy OKEKE, at the moment. On that page I told the world to expect my first book soon.

    Now my question: is it possible to create. Sales Page on FB page?

  16. Leave a comment below and share your book sales page below – or the book sales page of someone you know – and let me know how YOU would improve it.

    Seems to me that less is more. Attention spans are so low that more copy seems self defeating. Something clean, visually appealing with compelling call to act now.

    Here is a recent site I was sent - my initial thought was it was really Im not so sure.

  17. Tom:

    Thanks for supplying such great information. I'm still working on my book and setting up my website. I eventually would like to try Lead Pages.

    1. it's not bad but seems to generic (the promises). also don't know what "Discover a Vitalistic Lifestyle:" means

      i think testimonials would go a long way too

      otherwise, structurally, it seems solid.


    Thanks for all the info Tom, and I can't wait to hear your feedback. I'm still working on my landing page, and so far I know I need to add a short about the author (or in my case editor) with a photo. I don't have much to say about myself, but since you said it's important I can think of something to the point to add. Also, I'd like to change the url right now it's just redirecting and I'm not sure if that looks unprofessional or something.

    My anthology is for pre-sale on Amazon right now and since I don't have a list yet I'd like to use the sales page to list build first.

  19. Do you have any suggestions for WordPress themes that could accomplish this? I currently use

  20. Just in the process of writing the book. Here is a page from my web site for the book "Teaching 21st Century Kids". I know the video will not be part of the landing page. Also, need to take description and make bullet points.

  21. I sincerely appreciate all the information you provide in this and all the other lessons. I am still in the process of reworking my book, need to build my platform, need to rework my website and develop a way to compile my email list better than Yahoo address book. Your advice gives me so many ideas---and so much work to do. But at least the decisions I need to make will lead me in the right direction with far more confidence than I had before. Many thanks!