In 2007, I read a book that changed my life.

While the book itself is simple (borderline elementary now that I've gone back to reread it years later), there was a single idea that I couldn't shake at the time; one that still sticks with me today.

Before I explain what that idea is, I want to put this in context:

I first read this book when I was a 20 year old West Point cadet. At the time, I was double majoring in Russian and Human Geography with a track (like a minor, but not) in environmental engineering.

By academia's standard, I was slightly above average in the brains department, and I was soon to be entrusted the lives of 30+ soldiers in combat, which I can only assume means that somewhere, someone thought I was a responsible adult (or perhaps I slipped through the cracks...we'll never know).

Yet here was a book that a middle school kid could understand (and really, that every kid ought to read) that said something I'd never heard before.

Or perhaps better stated: never fully appreciated before.

What was the idea?

Everything in life is either an asset or a liability; it either puts money into your pocket or it takes money out of your pocket.

You want more of the former and less of the latter.

Of course, after finishing the book, I didn't put it away, smugly proclaim myself smarter, and move on.

Instead, I took a deep dive into the subject, spending years devouring more books in the same genre (finance and investing). More importantly, I took action on what I learned: I saved lots of money, kept my expenses down, invested in real estate and stocks, practiced options trading, and more.

Sometimes it worked out, sometimes it didn't - which was painful - but the important thing is that I gained an understanding of the material I was reading, not merely in concept, but in practice (this is the kind of experience that only comes from stepping inside the ring).

Finally, but no less importantly, this spurred my interest in other areas including business, publishing, and teaching.

It's hard to put a dollar figure to an idea, but I think I can safely say I'm thousands of dollars richer now than I would have been otherwise, because I read this book; because the idea resonated deeply with me; because it caused a spark...

And this of course is the point: an idea is a spark.

It has the potential to dramatically change our lives.

But it's also just that: a spark.

You still have to cut down the tree, haul the fire wood, and find the gasoline.

An idea is a spark, but you still have to cut down the tree, haul the fire wood, and find the gasoline.

Two points worth reflecting on:

1. If an idea is a spark, it is only as useful as your ability to make it into something more.

This requires resources (mental and physical - both of which you can create, grow, and increase over time) and hustle (accessible to every person on Earth at this very moment - if you choose to use it).

2. For an idea to reach us and cause an impact, it needs the right form and it needs the right conduit.

This idea didn't pass haphazardly to me through a college class (I took lots of those and was never taught anything close to this), nor YouTube, nor a podcast, nor a blog post, nor telekinesis (I'm not there yet).

It passed to me through a book.

For the purposes of message spreading, there is no better form than a book. And thanks to the internet, just about everyone in the world has the ability to reach just about everyone else in the world, making it the perfect conduit.

This means if you're in the business of spreading a message (and aren't we all?), you should sincerely consider writing and publishing a book; the impact you can create has never been higher, nor the barrier to entry lower.

But most importantly of all: there are people in the world who WANT to hear from you, who want your ideas, who need the spark...

And I think we do a disservice to the people who matter - not to mention, a disservice to ourselves - when we keep our ideas hidden.

The simple solution:

Put your ideas out there. Create a spark. Start a fire.



P.s. next week I want to share with you the book I wrote about in today's blog post, as well as 10 other books that have caused similar sparks in my life, and I hope you'll share your most important books with me too 🙂

p.p.s. I'm creating a new, free course on publishing to help people create and spread messages that matter. If you're interested, sign up here.

UPDATE: thanks to all your support, I finished my crowdfunding campaign with $12,979.00 in preorders. The last few days saw the crowdfunding campaign skyrocket - something I did not predict happening at all. This has been a whirlwind ride and I'm so grateful - so thank you! If you're interested in being notified about the book when it releases, to hear about its progress, or be the first in line to order the book when it's in all major online bookstores, sign up here.

51wgDGvRluL. SY346 - How to Crowdfund Your Book (11,079 Word Guide - FREE!)
The Icarus Deception: raised $287,342 in crowdfunded presales

In July 2012, Seth Godin started a campaign to fund the production of his latest book: The Icarus Deception. Godin did this through a platform called, which allowed his loyal fanbase to pledge funds to the book before it was finished and ready for distribution.

Godin set a minimum funding goal of $40,000 (enough presales for a traditional publisher to take notice and sign the book for distribution).

By the end of his 30 day campaign Godin generated $287,342 in presales of his yet to be finished and published book.

This is crowdfunding. And crowdfunding is an incredibly powerful technique that any author can use to fund his or her book…

But only if you can effectively market and promote your crowdfunding campaign.

In today’s blog post, I’m going to show you how.

How Crowdfunding Works

Crowdfunding allows any creator the ability to pre-sell a product in order to raise the funds necessary to build and ship it.

There are three pieces to the crowdfunding puzzle:

  1. The creator (aka crowdfunder). This is the author, artist, or entrepreneur who is attempting to fund the production of his new thing (novel, artbook, kitten mittens, whatever).
  2. The financial backer / supporter / pre-orderer (aka crowdfundee...I may have made this term up). This is the person who commits funds to the production of whatever the creator is attempting to fund. This person does not get an equity stake in the project (not in the context we’re talking about, although platforms like this are starting to appear), but generally receives some great rewards and discounts for being an early supporter.
  3. The platform. This is the place where the exchange takes place (more on this below).

In exchange for the support of early adopters, crowdfunding artists, writers, and creators have the opportunity to offer some pretty awesome rewards and discounts, exclusive for the length of the campaign (or until they’re sold out).

By crowdfunding, Seth raised $287,342 in just 30 days - before he had to print a single book. This was more than 7 times the minimum threshold required to fund his book production.

Ever since watching this success story in action (and many more just liked it), I’ve wanted to crowdfund a book.

Two weeks ago, I finally pulled the trigger.

Collaborate: The Modern Playbook for Leading a Small Team to Create, Market, and Sell Digital Products Online is now available for pre-order.

In less than 2 weeks, I’ve been fortunate enough to fully fund the project.

But just because I’ve fully funded my project doesn’t mean the doors are closed. If you’re still interested in being a part of Collaborate and want your advance, limited edition hardcover copy (plus access to some over-the-top rewards), go here:

Click here to support Collaborate.

Thank you so much in advance for your support.

4 Reasons You Should Crowdfund Your Book (With Crowdfunding Examples And Success Stories)

Simon Sinek, motivational speaker and leadership instructor has a saying: “start with why.”

All great leaders and organizations - the ones people embrace and follow - have a compelling “why” or reason they do what they do.

In my opinion, this concept ought to extend beyond leadership to anything you and I do.

So before we get into the nuts-and-bolts of crowfunding, I want to show you why crowdfunding matters - financially, creatively, and otherwise - so we can better understand the how later on.

#1. Crowdfunding Lets You Activate Your Audience and Catalyze a Movement

Crowdfunding isn’t simply a pre-order process - it’s an opportunity to get your biggest fans and supporters rallied around a singular goal.

misfit book - How to Crowdfund Your Book (11,079 Word Guide - FREE!)

The power of crowdfunding is this: it gives creators a reason to ask for support, contributions, and sharing, because we’re not simply looking for sales (conventional presale), we’re asking for help to turn an idea into reality.

For those who leverage crowdfunding the right way, it’s a meaningful experience that lets your audience, readers, and supporters be an integral part of your project.

When AJ Leon turned down a traditional publisher for his first book, some people thought he was crazy. A traditional publisher is the holy grail for authors, right?

Instead, AJ decided to activate his audience through a crowdfunding campaign and inspired them to be a part of the book he (and his happy readers) originally wanted to create.

Within a few hours of the campaign going live, AJ fully funded his book. Within 3 days, AJ had tripled his minimum funding goal.

Could AJ have been successful if he simply offered his book as a pre-order? No doubt. But by leveraging crowdfunding, AJ gave his loyal readers (me included) a great opportunity to share and spread the word. If AJ didn’t hit his minimum funding goal, the book wouldn’t exist. What an excellent opportunity to help a creator who chose himself (instead of waiting for a gatekeeper to choose him).

#2. Crowdfunding Validates Your Book Before You Write It

Ryan Hanley, the founder of, has spent the last several years building an audience of people around the subject of spreading powerful, relevant messages that change lives.He’s done this by consistently producing and delivering actionable content on a weekly basis.

And he’s done it absolutely for free for years.

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So when Ryan told me he was interested in writing a book, I directed him to - a crowdfunding platform for authors.


Because Ryan had an audience and had built a reputation for himself with the work he was doing…

But he hadn’t written the book just yet.

What if he spent years writing the book only to find out his audience wasn’t ready to pay? After all, when you deliver so much high value content for free, there’s a chance that people won’t pay for your work when you put a price on it (or so some marketers gurus would say).

Long story short, Ryan launched the book on Publishizier and raised over $10,000 within 30 days.

Now Ryan knows for sure his book is something his audience wants. Even better: he has the funds to create and ship it professionally (just check out his cover courtesy of Mars Dorian).

Books take a long time to write. Good books even longer. Who wants to spend years writing a book that no one reads?

When you crowdfund your book, you’ll know within 30 days whether your idea is something people care about it.

Note: I’m not talking about hobby writing here. If you want to write a book just for the fun of it, you should, regardless if people read it. However, if you’re in the business of writing (being a paid author), you can’t ignore reach and sales.

#3. Crowdfunding Creates Eager Anticipation

Leo Babuta is the founder of

zen habits book - How to Crowdfund Your Book (11,079 Word Guide - FREE!)

For the past several years, he’s built an audience of hundreds of thousands of loyal readers who resonate with his message of simple, healthy, better living.

Because Leo has created so much consistently impactful content for his audience (notice a trend?), many of them line up to buy anything he creates no matter what it is.

If there’s one person who doesn’t need to crowdfund a book for financial reasons, it’s Leo.

Yet Leo is leveraging the power of crowdfunding to launch his latest book. He’s already more than tripled his minimum funding goal, raising over $140,000 in a couple weeks.

In the same way that crowdfunding allows us to turn our book into an event that activates and catalyzes our audience, it also creates hundreds (or in Leo’s case, thousands) of eager fans, waiting for your book. The cool part is, the person crowdfunding can include his supporters in the process of creating, printing, and fulfilling orders.

Now instead of “Hey, here’s my book. Buy it.” you have an opportunity to share your story and journey, and to make your true fans a part of the process.

Would it be nice to have dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of people eagerly awaiting your book before it ever hits the shelf?


#4. Crowdfunding Legitimizes Your Self-Published Book

Let’s be honest: there is still a stigma to self-publishing.

suitcase entrepreneur - How to Crowdfund Your Book (11,079 Word Guide - FREE!)

If you say you’re a traditionally published author, peoples ears perk up. If you say you self-publish your own books...well, anyone can do that…

As a boutique publisher who has published multiple books, as well as someone who has self-published his own, I know firsthand this is an unfair response. The quality of self-published books are fast approaching the quality of traditionally published books. In most cases, there’s no noticeable difference (especially if the self-published author invests the time and money to hire the right people to make it great: editors, designers, etc.).

However, a successfully crowdfunded, self-published book receives instant credibility through social proof:

  1. crowdfunding shows us how many people have ordered your book
  2. crowdfunding shows us how much money has been raised to publish your book

And this type of social proof can be leveraged in many ways to build your personal platform.

In 2013, Natalie Sisson, founder of, successfully crowdfunded her new book (appropriately titled: The Suitcase Entrepreneur). Natalie already had an established platform with a devoted following, but crowdfunding her book gave her the opportunity to activate and catalyze this audience. Not only did she fully fund her book, but when it was officially released on Amazon, it became a best-seller almost overnight.

She has since leveraged this success into appearances in major press like Yahoo Finance (among many others).

Yes, anyone can self-publish, but how many can raise thousands from their supporters before the books been written?

The Best Crowdfunding Site for Your Book

In the past few years, crowdfunding has blown up.

The first crowdfunding platforms started in 2003 but really gained traction in 2008 and beyond.

These included: ChipIn (2005), EquityNet (2005), Pledgie (2006), Sellaband (2006), IndieGoGo (2008), GiveForward (2008), FundRazr (2009), Kickstarter (2009), RocketHub (2009), Fundly (2009), GoFundMe (2010), Microventures (2010) and Fundageek (2011). (source)

And the trend hasn’t stopped.

crowdfunding google trends

There are even more crowdfunding platforms today. In fact, it feels like there’s a crowdfunding platform for every person, every niche, and every purpose on the planet.

Just yesterday I found a crowdfunding platform for combat disabled veterans. It doesn’t get more niche than that.

When it came to crowdfunding my book, there were only three real options (since I’m not combat disabled):


I’ll briefly cover each and the thought process behind why I chose the one I did (Publishizer).

kickstarter logo - How to Crowdfund Your Book (11,079 Word Guide - FREE!)

Kickstarter makes the list for several reasons, not least of which is the fact that South Park ripped on them earlier this season.

In all seriousness, Kickstarter is one of the most popular crowdfunding sites on the internet. Like Google, Kickstarter is commonly used as a verb (“he kickstarted his latest book”), and has become synonymous with crowdfunding.

Every day, hundreds of new projects are started on Kickstarter. Of those, about 45% will be successful.

A couple of great reasons to use Kickstarter:

  1. Discoverability. Kickstarter gets a lot of traffic and there are some powerful ways to get your book discovered on the platform (creators can set where their project originated and visitors can filter based on location; every project creator you support on Kickstarter will be notified when you start a campaign, etc.)
  2. Trusted name brand. Kickstarter is known in the online community and is synonymous with crowdfunding. Trust is important when you’re asking people to pay for something that doesn’t exist yet.

Lots of people and companies use Kickstarter to fund their projects, including many authors. The two books I’ve mentioned earlier - by AJ Leon and Seth Godin - both used the platform for their books. Leo Babuata is currently crushing his book’s funding goal right now on the platform.

That said, there are a couple reasons I didn’t go with Kickstarter:

  1. I’d just be a number. Kickstarter doesn’t care about me nor would I get any one-on-one attention. I’m not high maintenance, but when you’re launching a product or service using someone elses platform, I like knowing I’ll have support from a human being.
  2. I’d get lost in the crowd. Kickstarter’s size is a double-edge sword - great that lots of people visit the site but not so great because your project can easily get lost in the crowd.
  3. Strict Guidelines. Kickstarter has the most rigid guidelines of the three crowdfunding platforms mentioned. Because of this, I’d be limited in exactly how I set up my crowdfunding campaign as well as what tiers and rewards I could offer. I wanted creative control over this process, so I chose not to go with Kickstarter.

Pros and Cons of Using to Crowdfund Your Next Book

Fees: 5% + Amazon fee (3-5%)



2 - How to Crowdfund Your Book (11,079 Word Guide - FREE!)

Indiegogo is a lot like Kickstarter - it’s a massive platform that allows people to crowdfund just about anything. However, while Kickstarter is fairly restrictive with what you can crowdfund and how you can do it, Indiegogo is much more flexible.

For example, with Indiegogo, you can set “flexible” funding as an option. So if your goal is $10,000 but you only raise $3,000, you get to keep that $3,000 (minus 9%).

Beyond the flexible funding options, Indiegogo is also known for being less restrictive when it comes to what you want to fund. Raising money for a charity? Indiegogo is fair game (Kickstarter would say no).

While I view this as a positive, it may also contribute to the fact that Indiegogo has a much higher failure rate than Kickstarter. Only 1 in 10 Indiegogo campaigns get fully funded.

Like Kickstarter, Indiegogo is a popular platform and actually receives more traffic outside of the United States. A big benefit to those of us with large audiences outside the United States.

That said, for the same reasons I didn’t choose Kickstarter, I decided to skip Indiegogo. In addition, I didn’t need the flexible funding option (not my style) nor was I looking to make this a charitable fundraiser. Add to the fact that, statistically, much fewer crowdfunding campaigns succeed on Indiegogo than other crowdfunding platforms and I knew it wasn’t the platform for me.

Pros and Cons of Using to Crowdfund Your Next Book

Fee: 4% + Amazon fee (3-5%) + wire fee ($25). For flex funding: 9%.




Publishizer is my book crowdfunding platform of choice. The founder, Guy Vincent, is remarkably involved in every project. When I decided to launch my book through Publishizer, Guy helped me flesh out my crowdfunding campaign, making sure I didn’t miss anything along the way.

While this might seem like a small detail to a “pro” (if there is such a thing in the book crowdfunding space), it was a big reason I was able to successfully fund my book in two weeks.

Like Kickstarter, Publishizer doesn’t allow flexible funding (as of this writing). In other words: you either fund your project 100% or everybody’s money is returned. This was fine with me because I actually prefer this - the alternative makes it seem more about raising money than about having your audience play an integral part in the creation of a new project.

Another positive: I had full control over how I priced my tiers and what I offered. And if you’ve checked out my book on Publishizer, you know I offer some pretty wild rewards. This was crucial for me as I wanted to do a hybrid launch (a book / infoproduct / consulting hybrid...more on this later).

Insider Peek Into Statistics

Publishizer is still relatively young in the crowdfunding space. That said, I asked the founder, Guy Vincent, to share some statistics for today’s blog post that haven’t been released publicly.

Here’s a behind the scenes look at Publishizer as of this writing:

Average funds raised per campaign: $8,160

Campaign success rate: 78.3%

Avg daily page views: about 2,500

Top 3 traffic sources: Facebook, Twitter, ProductHunt

Statistically speaking, I’m much more likely to fund my book on Publishizer than I am Indiegogo or Kickstarter.

Further, on average, Publishizer campaigns raise more than Kickstarter or Indiegogo campaigns.

A quick caveat to these assertions: I don’t have “book specific” stats for Indiegogo and Kickstarter, I simply extrapolated out from the collective data. Also, the platform is young, so these figures could very well change over time.

That said, it was enough information for me to feel confident about crowdfunding on

Note: if you find book specific stats for Indiegogo or Kickstarter (or other platforms), please send them my way so I can update this article.

Pros and Cons of Using to Crowdfund Your Next Book

Fee: 30% + Paypal fee (3%).*



*Since the original publication of this blog post, Publishizer updated their offer and fee structure. They now help authors find publishers, and they have a new fee structure. This info is accurate as of January, 2018.

How to Run a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign for Your Book

Once you’ve decided on which platform you want to use to crowdfund your book, the next step is preparing for the crowdfunding launch.

Quick note: everything I did for my crowdfunding campaign was based on backward-engineering successful campaigns, interviewing people who had successfully crowdfunded their books, and deep-diving into the statistics of what makes a campaign successful (as well as why campaigns fail).

I do my best to link to the source material so you can go deeper if you’re interested.


Step 1: Create Your Book Marketing Canvas

Crowdfunding isn’t easy.

If you don’t take your campaign seriously, neither will your supporters.

All successful campaigns have one thing in common: they’re planned and organized.

There’s no such thing as a successful but sloppy crowdfunding campaign (that I’ve seen or read about in my research - please share if you find one).

There are simply too many things that need to be done right, with the right execution and timing for someone to wing a crowdfunding campaign successfully (I’m sure outliers exist, but unless you’re an outlier, the better idea is to plan).

I went into this launch like I was planning Operation Overlord. That’s not to say everything was executed perfectly, but I did know all the variables and had a handle on what I should expect walking into the launch.


Like with all my projects, I started with a 1 page business model.

For books, I’ve developed my own one-page book marketing canvas, which was inspired by Ash Maurya’s Lean Canvas, but adapted for book marketing campaigns.

The Book Marketing Canvas - blank

Download the Book Marketing Canvas

The Book Marketing Canvas helps me identify all the essential elements of launching a book from scratch. It starts with key administrative information.

Here's what it looked like for Collaborate:

Author: Tom Morkes

Publisher: Insurgent Publishing

Editor: Tom Owens

Cover Design: Harry Copeman

Title: Collaborate: The New Rules for Launching a Business Online

Launch Date: 10 Nov 14 (for the crowdfunding campaign)


Beyond the basic administrative information listed above, The Book Marketing Canvas clarifies exactly what our book is about (and why it matters), who it’s for (and how to reach them), and gives us a general idea of how we’ll sell the book (pricing options) and estimated overhead and expenses.

Here’s how I broke down the marketing canvas for Collaborate:

Who is this book for?

Who are you trying to reach with your book?  Who needs to read it?

Here's what I came up with for Collaborate:

1. Solopreneurs who are struggling to create a successful business

2. Entrepreneurs who can’t find traction

3. Writers, artists, designers and inventors who want to profit off of their art/work

Who are your early adopters?

These are the readers who will show up first to support whatever you create. If you don't have an audience yet, this is more difficult to define (also why I recommend building an audience before crowdfunding a book).

For Collaborate, I focused on two groups (essentially the same, but segmented for tracking purposes):

1. Early Notification List. This is a list I created through my blog. Here’s the landing page I created to build this list.

2. Main ListThe Resistance

How will you reach your readers?

Crowdfunding campaigns are only as valuable as the readers you can reach. If you don't have a clear idea of exactly how you'll reach readers (words like "luck" and "hope" don't count here), go back to the drawing board.

For Collaborate, I kept it simple:

1. 3x Blog posts leading up to the launch

2. 3x Blog posts during the campaign

3. Consistent social media presence with almost daily updates on progress and milestones. Leverage Facebook and Twitter primarily (the social media platforms I’m most active in).

What problem is your book solving?

There's no reason to write a book unless it's solving a problem. For business non-fiction, this problem needs to be something clearly defined (with fiction there's more leeway as fiction solves the problem of boredom).

Here's the problem I defined for Collaborate:

Solopreneurs, artists, and writers struggle with traction and turning their ideas into sustainable businesses.

How does your book solve the problem?

Every business book solves a problem - what does your book solve?

For Collaborate, here's how I defined the solution:

A step by step guide to collaborative product development. Collaborate shows solopreneurs, writers, artists, designers, and creators of all types how to rapidly build and launch a cashflowing business in 30 days through the power of collaboration.

How do you measure success?

Too many people run into new projects with no way to measure success or failure. Luckily, for a crowfunding campaign, success and failure is pretty clear: do you hit your funding goal or don't you?

Here's what I defined as my criteria for success with Collaborate:

  1. Reaching my funding goal ($7,500)
  2. otal pre-orders (100+)

What makes this book unique?

Consider this the "UVP" (unique value proposition) of your book. Much like a startup, every book (especially nonfiction) needs a good reason for existing. This good reason should be captivating, original, and warrant peoples attention.

Here's what makes Collaborate unique:

There are dozens of books and hundreds of articles on the topic of collaboration from a theory level, but no other book has tackled collaboration from a practical, tangible level. Collaborate is the premiere guide for those looking to start a business online rapidly online through the power of collaboration, or those who simply want to learn how to work with and lead others in a collaborative setting.

Pricing Options

This is the section where you want to outline the various pricing tiers and corresponding rewards for your crowdfunded book. Here's what Collaborate's initial reward tiers looked like (I'll explain how I came up with these prices and tiers later on in the article):

$13 - digital

$34 - hardcover and audiobook

$47 - 3 part live webinar

$72 - the no brainer package

$107 - the 3 pack

$172 - the 5 pack

$287 - featured interview

$492 - 1 month consulting

$1,374 - 2 days with Tom

$2,992 - the lets ship it package

Stretch Goals - undecided

Overhead and Expenses

Here you want to itemize as accurately as possible the projected overhead and expenses from creating, printing, and shipping your book.

Here are my estimates for Collaborate:

$42 / hardcover $42 * 100 = $4,200

$1000 – cover design

$500 – interior design

$600 – editing

$500 – shipping

Approx $7,500 to break even (no profit)

Step 2: Outline and Wireframe Your Book

Once we have The Book Marketing Canvas developed, we can extrapolate this into an outline and wireframe.

When I say outline and wireframe your book crowdfunding campaign, I mean outline and wireframe everything:

  1. The book itself
  2. The rewards and deliverables
  3. The marketing plan
  4. Anything else that pertains to your crowdfunding campaign

At this point, you don’t have to be 100% sure of everything. This is an exercise in thrashing and chunking (removing waste + identifying key tasks and timeline), and will help you discover what you need to do at a minimum to fund your book.

1. Outline the chapters and key topics of your book.

For this, I simply used Evernote to collect my thoughts, although I've had no problems using tools like Google Docs, Word, or Scrivener to do the same.

Here's what my Evernote outline looks like:

outlining collaborate in evernote
Outlining Collaborate in evernote

 2. Create a working book cover design you can use for your crowdfunding campaign.

Unfortunately, a book is judged by its cover.

When it comes to crowdfunding a book, a cover is one of the most important element of the crowdfunding sales page.

To successfully crowdfund your book, you're going to need a finalized, or almost finalized, professional looking cover.

books that inspired collaborates cover

The benefit to crowdfunding your book: you can set up the funding to facilitate professional design, formatting, editing etc. S o to get my cover prepared, I sourced a great cover designer (he's actually technically a graphic designer, but I liked his style and thought he'd bring an interesting style to the book) and shared images of book covers that I liked. And these are just a few of the iterations I got back:

collaborate early book cover iterations
Early book cover design for Collaborate (obviously, we changed the name).

After a few more iterations, we ended up with the current cover - and even a name change. This is the cover I ended up going with and changed again before time of shipping the actual book, but it was enough to get my project up and running properly.

The final iteration of the cover:


Step 3: Create a High-Converting Book Crowdfunding Sales Page

I'll go in more depth in several of these areas later on. For now, this is just an overview of the essential elements of a high-converting book crowdfunding sales page:

1. Book Blurb

A blurb is one sentence that summarizes your book. My blurb for Collaborate:

“Go from struggling solopreneur to successful business owner in 30 days or less through the power of collaboration.”

2. Captivating Headline

Your headline is nothing more than a powerful hook to get people to keep reading (easier said than done of course). My leading headline / first sentence for the Collaborate sales page:

“In less than 6 months, I generated over $77,000 in sales from part-time collaborative projects.”

My hope: that this line would be interesting enough for readers to keep them moving down the page.

3. Sales video

Every successful campaign I've run into includes a sales video. Here are some key takeaways:

  1. the shorter the better (60 - 180 seconds)
  2. focus on the benefits to the reader
  3. explain why you’re crowdfunding your book (a strong “why” goes a long way) 

More on creating a sales video later on...

4. First main body paragraph

The first main body paragraph should introduce the book topic by speaking to the readers wants / desires

5. About the book

Next, you'll need to explain what the book is about. In reality, this part is more about the reader than the book.

6. Who it’s for

This is the part where you let the reader know he / she is in the right spot.

7. Reward tiers

At this point, it's helpful to have a graphic or something to help define your exact reward tiers.

8. About the author

This is where you give a brief bio about the "about the book" section, this part is about the reader, not you.

9. Table of Contents

You don't need a finalized table of contents, but even an outline helps people get a grasp of what you’re building.

10. Expense itemization

People like to see where the money is going for projects like this, so be transparent!

11. Potential hurdles and how you plan to overcome them

Self explanatory.

12. Timeline for launch

When will the books and rewards be delivered? The more specific the better. Always leave room for error (generally about 3x the time you expect it to take just to be safe).

13. Final call to action

At the end of your crowdfunding campaign - much like any sales page - you want to end on a powerful call to action.

Step 4: Set Your Crowdfunding Goal

I set the goal for my book at $7,500.


First and foremost: it was the minimum I needed to create this book the right way (designer, editor, high-quality printing service, and based on a minimum order of 100 books).

Second: statistics.

Crowdfunding campaigns with a $10,000 funding goal  have a 38% chance of successfully funding.

As you increase the price, your chances of success drop (at the $50k mark, your chances of success drop to 18%; at the $100k mark, it drops further to a 7% success rate).

Just as importantly, the average successfully funded project receives about $7,800.

While goals that are less than $10k have a greater chance of fully funding, there’s also diminishing returns when it comes to lowering the minimum funding goal. After all, what’s the point of starting a $1,000 crowdfunding campaign? Certainly you could reach your goal, but there’s no excitement from the point of view of the potential crowdfunding supporter.

I wanted to aim for a goal that wasn’t easy, but also didn’t set me up for failure.

And unlike Seth Godin and Leo Babauta who have hundreds of thousands of readers, my main list size is only about 1,500. It doesn’t matter if you have the best idea in the world: when you’re crowdfunding, reach is all that matters.

Based on my list size and the probability of success for crowdfunding campaigns less than $10,000, I felt comfortable I could raise $7,500 (with enough hustle).

Step 5: Develop your Reward Tiers

In this excellent interview, AJ explains how Clay Hebert helped him design his massively successful book crowdfunding campaign.

What Clay suggested was this: Your reward tiers need to be a “slippery funnel” where each incremental increase in price corresponds to a drastic increase in value. In other words, every reward should pack about 10x the value of the price you set.

I took this advice to heart. I made sure that not only would contributors get the products and services I provided at a reduced price to what I would eventually sell them for, but in many cases I offered services that I have never offered nor will again (like the opportunity to work with me on a collaborative project).

While the products and services I’ll be delivering on are a bit overwhelming for me, I can confidently say each level is 10x the value of what people are paying for (which makes the crowdfunding promotion process a lot easier).

Important Tiered Pricing Statistics for Crowdfunding Campaigns

Before I decided on what I would offer for early adopters, I researched dozens of other crowdfunding campaigns and dug up what I could regarding pricing tiers and rewards. Here’s what I found:

Before I decided on my project tiers, I wanted to see what was working for other artists and authors I admired.

Here are the breakdown of two successful campaigns I looked into:

AJ Leon Crowdfunding Statistics

This is a breakdown of AJ Leon's campaign.

crowdfunding - aj leon

I bolded the three tiers that brought in the greatest amount of revenue to see what people were willing to pay for great rewards.

Craig Mod Crowdfunding Statistics

I also took a look at Craig Mod's crowdfunding campaign. Here are his numbers dissected the same way:

crowdfunding - craig mod

Like AJ, Craig had a few tiers that accounted for about 80% of his revenue.

This reinforces two points:

  1. People are comfortable paying upwards of $100 - $1000 on a reward (if they really care about it)
  2. The majority of your revenue will come from just a few of your rewards

More on Pricing

From my own experiments in package / tiered pricing (both Pay What You Want and fixed), I’ve also found that while the majority of people may take the lowest priced option, the highest priced option almost invariably leads to the greatest percentage of revenue.

While not a direct correlation, I also looked to general statistics on sales and upsells.

click bank upsell data

According to Clickbank, 24% of people buy an upsell after their original purchase. Using this data combined with past experience selling product with multiple price points, I knew that a percentage of my readers would be more likely to buy more than just the book if I had the right upgrade options available.

To do this I had to make sure each tier was progressively better than the last and not too much more expensive from the current purchase price that no one would buy it.

The Formula for How I Priced My Book Reward Tiers

During my research, I noticed many book crowdfunding campaigns start at $1 or $5.

Yet most of what I've learned in the past few years is that the hard sell isn’t the $5 or $10 option, it’s getting the person to decide to purchase in the first place. If that's the case, why start low?

I decided to make my book accessible yet heavily discounted off of the future price by offering it at $13 on pre-order (I plan to sell this book for about $29 - $49 when it officially launches). $13 is a price that anyone who is checking out my crowdfunding campaign can afford, so I figured it’s a good place to start.

Another thing I noticed in many crowdfunding campaigns (those that fail and those that succeed) are big gaps between rewards. For example, many book crowdfunding campaigns I looked at made the jump from $5 to $25.  This is a 5x multiple, which is a significant jump in what you’re asking people to commit to.

I generally don’t like to make jumps greater than 3x the previous price point, which is why I made my second tier $34 (which is only 2.6x multiple). As you look at my reward intervals, you’ll notice I basically stuck to about a 2x multiplier for every new reward.

In a nutshell, here is the formula I used to price my book rewards:

New Reward = 2x Price Multiple of Previous Reward + 10x Value

The problem set I was working with was this: if people will invest in X, how do I get them to upgrade to Y? So if someone will purchase the “3 part live, online training workshop” option, what would I need to offer them to upgrade to another perk ?

This leads me to the next important element of rewards and tiered pricing...

Create Rewards You Can Confidently Deliver On

Crowdfunding isn’t always pretty.

There have been numerous crowdfunding campaigns that buckled under the weight of their own offer. This guy went over the deep end when he realized he couldn’t afford to ship all his books to his supporters so he burned all the books he created (don’t worry, that won’t happen with me - I have self-respect).

For Collaborate, I knew the only way I could afford to print and ship hardcover books in small quantities (on average, every hardcover costs about $42, not including shipping) would be to supplement the book costs with low marginal cost offerings, like the live webinar, the ecourse (The “No Brainer” option), etc.

For those products and services, all the time, money and effort is up front, but costs close to zero for each additional unit produced. Because of this, my average contribution level is over $80, which gives me breathing room when it comes to printing and shipping (excluding the sunk costs of design, editing, etc.).

I also organized my campaign in such a way that I could do everything remotely (save for the 2 day in-person training, which I made sure I’d be able to swing in the next 12 months). I knew the hardest thing for me would be anything that would require me to be somewhere in person (as I am on the road vagabonding a lot).

Focus on the Long Term Plan

There’s a good chance I’m going into the red for this launch. The cost to print just one hardcover book is $40+ which doesn’t include shipping. Add to that the professional design and editing and I’ll probably go into debt with this project.

But this crowdfunding campaign isn’t the end in and of itself. A lot of people use crowdfunding as a one-off launch opportunity; they want to fund a project and that’s it. For me, I wanted to launch products and services that I could then scale after I built them. Case in point: I’m developing the Collaborate eCourse at the same time I’m writing the book.

This eCourse will retail at $197+ (probably more) when I launch in early 2015 (although you can get it for $72 when you pre-order The “No Brainer” Package).

This is one of the reasons I can go into the red for this launch but not worry about it - the products and services I’m delivering on are assets for my digital publishing business.

collaborate trend

They’ll continue to create revenue into the future... (or at least as long as collaboration is an increasingly hot topic):

Avoid Lofty Stretch Goals

Don’t overcommit yourself with crazy stretch goals. A stretch goal is what you offer crowdfunding supporters once you reach certain milestones in your funding.

When I first started thrashing the rewards for Collaborate, I immediately thought of all the cool stretch goals I could incorporate for early adopters.

Things like notebooks, or a special slip cover, or mouse pads… But after brainstorming multiple stretch goals, I realized a couple things:

1. Most people don’t care about stretch goals.

Most people want your main offer plus some awesome rewards or bonuses. Nobody buys into a crowdfunding campaign for a stretch goal.

2. Many crowdfunding campaigns have been dismantled by lofty stretch goals.

Instead of trying to reach a threshold above my minimum funding goal, I wanted to focus on the minimum I needed to make this a reality. This meant ignoring stretch goals, at least until I funded my project.

Create a Graphic for Your Reward Tiers

If you want to know why you should include images / infographics in every sales page, read this hubspot article.

Bottom line: images / graphics are easier to understand and process and therefore = more supporters = more pre-orders.

Essentially every successfully funded crowdfunding campaign I studied used an image for their rewards and tiers. There’s no reason to change things up if they seem to be working, so I decided to create an image too.

864c57b2 597e 4f4d 8557 ea7603d1f65f - How to Crowdfund Your Book (11,079 Word Guide - FREE!)

Below is the crowdfunding graphic for Collaborate, which I placed in the middle of my sales page. This gave the text a good break and hopefully added some excitement to the purchasing process: Key takeaways for creating a rewards graphic that converts visitors into supporters:

1. Maintain branding.

I use the same icons that are present on my cover + the same font (for the headlines) + the same colors. This is consistent with the overall style of my book 2.

Overwhelming is okay (if it keeps peoples attention).

A crowdfunding campaign is not the time or place to create Apple-esque style, minimalist ads. I have a few minutes (if I’m lucky) to educate people on the topic and inspire them to support my campaign.

With the image, I want to give as much pertinent information as possible so people could literally back the book immediately after viewing the packages.

I also wanted to keep it all generally close together so that the reader is automatically drawn to the higher priced item.

graphic inspiration

To create my graphic, I found inspiration from multiple sources and campaigns: From left to right: Playbook by Jonathan Mead, "The Life and Times of a Remarkable Misfit" by AJ Leon, and some kind of random cooler contraption by Ryan Grepper.

These are just three of many that I studied and used as inspiration for my own graphic.

Resistance Pro Tip: Before you start your campaign, study LOTS of other successful campaigns (specifically - book campaigns). You'll notice trends that are otherwise inconspicuous, but could make a big difference in your campaign.

As you can tell, there is a fairly consistent style of crowdfunding graphic that is used, which is why I designed the graphic the way I did.

Step 6: Write The Sales Page Copy for Your Book

When it comes to crowdfunding a book, I don't advise a short sales page - not if you’re planning to offer anything over a couple hundred dollars (which I obviously did). Why? According to ConversionXL:

“The more complicated and/or expensive the product, the more you need to explain, show, educate, convince.”

Same rules apply to crowdfunding sales pages as they do for any sales letter:

  1. longer sales letters / long-form copy (traditionally) sell more products
  2. the more expensive your product or service, the longer your sales page should be I knew I was going to be selling some expensive products and services through the various reward tiers I was concocting.

Now while most people order the digital book for $13, there are a few people out there willing to spend $1,000 - $3,000 for a product or service. I didn’t write my sales page for the $13 supporters - I wrote it for the $3,000 supporters.

Step 7: Create a Compelling Sales Video

A short and sweet sales video is an important piece of the crowdfunding puzzle.


1. Because videos give us a good sense of the person behind the project. And when we back a crowdfunding campaign, unless it’s the next big tech gadget, we’re usually back the person, not the product

2. Because successfully funded book campaigns do it. And if people who are succeeding at crowdfunding are creating sales videos, I should too. I don’t have enough information to determine if it’s causation or correlation, so why mess with something that’s working?  I decided to not put too much time, energy, or money into my video (instead, focusing that effort on the rest of my marketing and promotion...more on this later in the article).

A lot of crowdfunding campaigns are upping the product value on their sales videos, but after watching Seth Godin's video, I decided to keep it simple (3 points in under 3 minutes). I set up my camera, hooked up my microphone, hit record, did a few iterations (full run throughs, only restarting when I stuttered a little too much), pieced the video and audio together, and called it a success.

tom collaboration

Here are the results:

Key components of an effective book sales video:

1. Who are you?

This is just a quick 10 second intro to you, the author, so viewers get a sense of who you are.

2. What’s your book about and why does it matter?

Why should I care about what you're doing?

3. Why use the crowdfunding platform you're using?

Assume most people don’t know what a crowdfunding camapaign is and go from there.

4. Thank the listener

Because people who are listening to you deserve to be thanked.

5. Call to Action.

Always end with a call to action (buy my book!) Overall, it's nothing mind blowing (except for my eyes, which you can get lost in for days), but my hope is that it gave people enough of an idea of who I am and why I believe in this project to inspire them to contribute.

Step 8: Crowdfunding Promotion - Launch and Follow Through

For my launch, I followed the same framework I use for every launch.

Note: If you’re interested in these strategies and how they could apply to other businesses or projects, check out my free ebook: Launch Hacks.

In the following sections, I'm going to walk you through ways to effectively promote your book crowdfunding campaign. Many of these techniques I've either done myself (and will share my examples), or have seen other people use successfully.

Let me know in the comments at the bottom of this article if you have any questions about these techniques and strategies.


How to Promote your Crowdfunding Campaign with Content Marketing

Content marketing is just another way of saying promoting a product or service through blog posts (or other types of content). Most people automatically ignore blatant advertisements, but when the marketing / advertising is within educational or value-add content, many more people will be interested in what you're offering.

In my opinion, content marketing is one of the best ways to market your book (I'll show you my results in the next section).

Here's how you can use content marketing for your book launch:

4 ways to use content marketing to crowdfund your book

1. Guest blogging

Guest blogging can be an effective way of building an audience rapidly.

In the context of crowdfunding, many people use guest posting to promote their crowdfunding campaigns. Here's an example of Maneesh Sethi guest posting on the Art of Manliness to promote his new bad-habit-breaking device. The benefit to doing this is clear - if you choose the right blog, you can get your idea in front of a lot of new people who will be receptive to what you're trying to fund.

For Collaborate, I purposely didn’t engage in much guest blogging. I wanted to focus my attention on my own audience.

Because of that, the only guest blog (equivalent) that went live was a short video with my friend and contributor to Collaborate, Jason Spencer of

Why not a bigger push?

Everything is a time / energy trade-off. Based on several launches I've done previously, I've founded the greatest return on my investment is from the audience I've already built. So If I'm going to guest post, it won't be for a product launch, but to build my list (which means: saving the guest posting for another time).

That said - guest posting is still incredibly powerful, so if you have the bandwidth - do it!

2. Blog posts

If you're crowdfunding a new book, your blog will be the best place to get your initial backers, as well as the best place to promote your new book.

If you don't have a blog, it doesn't mean you can't crowdfund your book (keep reading for alternative marketing channels you can use in lieu of a blog)...but really: you should start a blog. First, because your readers want to hear from you. Second, it means you have a base to launch anything you want.

This is insanely useful if you want to be a full-time author.

I'll get off my high-horse now, but if you're interested in why you should start a blog or how an author should start his or her blog, leave a comment below and I'll get back to you with more details.

Since I already have a subscriber list of about 2,000 (and about 3,000 - 5,000 visitors a month), I wanted to focus most of my efforts on the people who want to hear from me.

For the launch, I created 3 key blog posts leading up to the launch + one major one after launch.

In chronological order:

  1. The 3 Step Process for Starting Anything From Scratch
  2. Success Hacking 101: How to Turn an Idea Into a Business without Money, an Audience, or Technical Skills
  3. Why You Should Collaborate (a $63,659 Case Study)
  4. The Lever, The Fulcrum, and Great Work (after the book was live)

The goals of the first 3 articles was to encourage people to sign up for the "early notification list" for my book. I ended up with about 130 early notification subscribers.

Not great but not terrible.

The goal with the follow up blog post was as a reminder that the book is live and being funded.

On top of this, I also did newsletter-specific promotion + social media promotion for the book (more on this below).


Medium is a free website that lets anyone write about anything.

Because of that, there's a lot of noise.

But it also has the potential to be a quick and easy way to promote your crowdfunding campaign.

I didn’t use Medium for this launch, but I did for my last book launch, The Complete Guide to Pay What You Want Pricing, an article ended up getting over 7,000 reads.

4. LinkedIn publishing

Like Medium, LinkedIn publishing is another free and easy site to use to promote your ideas. It's also great for business-specific books (not sure how great it would be for fiction).

Here's an example of a post I wrote for my own blog that I repurposed for LinkedIn.

Why do this?

More new eyeballs means my ideas can spread farther (while still encouraging people to come back to my site and join The Resistance).

I didn’t use the LinkedIn platform for my crowdfunding campaign, but would encourage other authors to consider it as it could be a powerful tool.

Share With Key Influencers to Promote Your Crowdfunding Campaign

Influencers are the people in your industry with audiences who will resonate with your book.

Couple things to keep in mind:

  1. Have you put the time and effort into building a relationships with key influencers in your industry yet? If not, a cold email may still work, but it's a longshot. And it's also not the most effective way to spread your idea (most cold emails end in being ignored)
  2. Influencers are busy. Make sure you make sharing painlessly easy. Here's an example of a page I set up to make sharing incredibly simple (for influencers and anyone else I could inspire to share).

Many of the influencers for my book were people I interviewed for the book itself, including:

  1. Danny Iny of
  2. Chris Guillebeau, creator of The World Domination Summit
  3. Corbett Barr of
  4. Jason Spencer of
  5. Nathan Barry, author of Authority and creator of the app: Commit
  6. Matthew Helbig, founder of
  7. Sean Ogle of Location 180
  8. AJ Leon of Misfit-Inc
  9. Jon Nastor of
  10. Kira Slye of Polymer Clay Adventure

To get them to share, I sent them an email saying the book was live, thanked them for their involvement, and shared a click-to-tweet as well as a link to the crowdfunding page (and another link to the "support Collaborate" page).

Here's an example of a "click-to-tweet" I shared:

feeling stuck as a solopreneur? maybe you need to start collaborating. @tmorkes new book is a game changer:

And here's the actual click-to-tweet:

Resistance Pro Tip: to create a "click-to-tweet" go to to create a shortlink from your crowdfunding sales page, then go to, add a short description and call to action for your book (less than 120 characters is good for sharing), create the link and share it.

The majority of supporters used the click-to-tweets I shared, which helped get the word out on Twitter (although the verdict is still out on how helpful that actually way to track for sure, but very few supporters for Collaborate came uniquely through Twitter).

Leverage Podcasts to Market Your Book

What industry-specific podcasts do you listen to? Are there any with audiences who would benefit from your book?

These are the podcasts you want to connect with to see if you can share your book.

It helps to give podcasts a month or two advance notice - like guest blogging, many are busy and backed up for months, so you need to get in early.

Like with guest blogging, I didn’t do a heavy push for podcasts - my focal point was my own audience. Luckily, a few went live at the same time my campaign was live, which helped fill out my social media campaign (gave me something else to share rather than the campaign itself).

Use Social Media Consistently

Besides emails to my subscribers, social media had the greatest impact on helping me hit my 100% funding goal for my book.

Here are a couple rules of thumb:

1. Focus on key social media platforms. Not all social media platforms are equal, but more importantly - choose the one you're most comfortable on and have built the largest following on (in terms of engagement). I have way more followers on Twitter but I always receive the best feedback / conversation on Facebook. So Facebook is where I put my time and energy.

2. Use social media to give status updates of your funding. This is a generally non-offensive way of marketing your book. On more than one occasion, a Facebook friend told me he saw a post of mine and decided to support the book. Because I gave almost daily updates, I increased exposure to my crowdfunding campaign, which pushed me over my funding goal.

Here's what my social media activity looked like (so you can "swipe" my updates):

facebook promoting crowdfunding campaign
promoting crowdfunding book on facebook
promoting my book on facebook
facebook promotion for crowdfunding campaign

Use Paid Advertising (sparingly)

I didn't use paid advertising for this campaign, but I do know people who have used paid advertising effectively for other launches, and I've used paid advertising for a number of projects.

I have

Leverage Alternative Sales and Marketing Channels

There are always alternative sales and marketing channels for just about any product or service. For book crowdfunding campaigns, you could try:

  1. Live events. This may be a little overkill for a book promotion, but worth considering if you have a local following.
  2. Niche-specific sales channels. For example: Writing a book on yoga? You could reach out to the owners of every yoga studio you’ve ever attended and ask them to share the campaign. This is just a random example, but the point is: there are a lot of direct and indirect sales and marketing channels for your book - you just have to think unconventionally.

Crowdfunding Statistics: The Results from My Book Crowdfunding Campaign

The following is an insider look at the numbers behind my crowdfunding campaign.

My hope here is to make crowdfunding less esoteric / ambigous / overwhelming, and ultimately to inspire more people to try it out (with reasonable expectations).

If this blog post can help even 10 more authors successfully launch their books using crowdfunding, that's 10 more great pieces of art in the world that we need, and I'll consider this a success.

If you believe more artists, authors, and creators should get their work out into the world, you can help me:


1. Bookmark this page for your own book launch. Do this now so you don't forget. This guide will hopefully always be around and I intend to expand on it with more data from my own launch as well as others as I collect more information. So bookmark the page so you don't lose it!

2. Share it with someone you know. There is a social share option at the bottom of this article.

If you've found this article beneficial at all, then please share it with an author you know. 

Okay, onto the juicy statistics...

Here's what my final sales figures looked like:

crowdfunding - Tom Morkes

Predictably, the majority of my sales came within the first couple days of the book going live.

Here's what traffic looked like to my crowdfunding campaign (note: it went live on 10 November):


Here's a day-by-day snapshot of money raised for Collaborate:

crowdfunding - Tom Morkes - day by day totals

And here's what it looks like in a pretty graph. This shows cumulative pre-order revenue over time:

crowdfunding - Tom Morkes - cumulative preorders

And here's what the individual daily sales looks like:

crowdfunding - Tom Morkes - daily sales

Note: If there is a discrepancy in funds raised, it's because some statistics are taken from the back-end of Publishizer, which includes shipping for international delivery. This only adds a couple hundred to total funds raised, which does not fully cover shipping but will offset it.

The daily pre-order totals isn't very useful by itself, until you overlay it with my promotion schedule.

The following shows us daily pre-orders (in orange) overlayed with daily promotions (via newsletter and Facebook - my two primary drivers of sales).

The results are pretty interesting:

crowdfunding - Tom Morkes - impact of promotion on sales

What you'll notice is that there's a direct correlation between promotion and sales.

Okay, so that doesn't seem surprising...

But what is surprising (at least for me) is how great the impact of promotion is in terms of revenue generated on a daily basis.

Here is a breakdown of the newsletter emails I sent to my list, including links to the actual emails for your reference, total subscribers I who received each campaign (i.e. email), and the impact it had on day-of sales:

crowdfunding - Tom Morkes -promotion and sales

This is statistically significant when we compare the average sales from newsletter promotion days to non-newsletter promotion days.

crowdfunding - Tom Morkes - promotion vs no promo days

If this isn't enough incentive to make sure you are constantly promoting your book during your crowdfunding campaign, I don't know what is.

On average, promotion days resulted in 18 times more sales than non-promotion days.

Lesson learned from crowdfunding my book:

1. Nothing moves unless you do.

Since I raised 100% about a week ago, I stopped promoting this book. My goal was to get to 100% funded, which is where I'm at now. I also wanted to see if there would be any consistent momentum now that it's hit its funding goal and so many sources have promoted the book. This is not the case. If I want a new surge in pre-orders, I'll need to start promoting again.

2. An email list is a powerful thing.

I put a lot of work into this campaign but I've seen other people put in double or triple the work and come out wanting. I don't take this lightly. For me, it's a reminder to continue building trust with my readers so that I continue to earn their attention. This is more valuable than all the paid advertising in the world.

3. No amount of influencers can make up for the tribe / gang / fan base you've built.

I think it's important to get a list of "influencers" on board to support your big launches, but the reality is this creates statistically insignificant sales compared to sales I can generate through The Resistance or my other email lists.

4. Don't discount social media.

Without having a social media platform like Facebook, I don't think I could have fully funded my project. Second to my own email newsletters, Facebook drove the most traffic to my page. And based on the responses to many of my Facebook posts, sharing campaign status updates gave people the nudge they needed to go and support the book themselves.

Quick note: I chose Facebook because that's where I'm most active relative to other social platforms, but I've heard great things about Google+ and LinkedIn. The point isn't which one to choose, but to commit to one so that you have real people communicating and interacting with you (and you're not just spamming...which is sometimes how I feel about Twitter and other social networks).

5. Nothing beats a personal email (or call).

I sent out about 50 personalized emails for this campaign asking key influencers, collaborators, and friends to share the book. What happened was not only did the majority of people happily share (thank you), but many contributed to the campaign themselves (double thank you).

Without taking the time to email, I wouldn't have hit 100% funded in two weeks (hat tip to Tyson Adams founder of Jhai Coffee House for giving me this advice and examples of how he did it!)

If You Don't Have an Email List, You Can Still Fund Your Book

A lot of my advice hinges on the community (The Resistance!) I’ve built up over the past two years.

That said, even if you don’t have a big email list, plenty of successful authors have leveraged other platforms to build interest and get their book funded.

Here's what Ryan Hanley had to say when I asked him about the single most effective way he raised funds for his book:

“The power of my campaign wasn't necessarily in my list, but the Podcast and Google+ audiences I had built, which is where I got the most engagement by far.”

- Ryan Hanley,

And according to Chad Grills, he had no list at all but was able to raise over $10,000 for his book. Here's what Chad had to say:

“I launched with no email list, just my friends on Facebook, and a few Twitter followers. If you can identify a single high quality news outlet that would love to feature your project, and have a project that crowdfunding sites can't wait to promote to their customers, you're well on your way to a successfully funded project.”

- Chad Grills

And here's how Natalie Sisson leveraged her initial success and supporters to propel her crowdfunding campaign to 100%:

“The single smartest thing I did was update people who'd already pledged several times during it and giving them swipe copy and click to tweet to share the campaign - so it made it SUPER easy to share plus they were already engaged and committed to making it happen.”

Natalie Sisson,

The important takeaway - even if you don't have a list, you can still leverage social media and other platforms to spread the word. And more importantly than having an email list is focusing on the people who DO support and inspiring them to share and spread the word.

There's nothing more powerful than word of mouth when it comes to turning an idea into reality.

When You Shouldn’t Attempt to Crowdfund Your Next Book (or Project)

A lot of people have asked me recently about crowdfunding their next book. I believe my (limited) success has inspired some people, which is great and makes me happy...and also nervous.

Here’s the deal - just about no one out there will tell you to not reach for your dreams. It’s negative and it’s not the type of information that gets spread. There’s a whole area of psychology that explains why this is (survivor bias), but I won’t get into it here.

But I will say I believe I’m doing people a disservice if they attempt something like this without knowing when it’s appropriate.

Crowdfunding is powerful...but like the statistics shows: it MOSTLY fails.

So maybe the best way to wrap up this blog post is to look at WHY crowdfunding fails and how you can avoid it.

You Shouldn’t Crowdfund a Book if You Don’t Have an Audience

“Kickstarter campaigns fail when the tribe of people who believe in the idea is too small”

- Seth Godin

If there’s one person to listen to when it comes to crowdfunding (or marketing, or book publishing, or having a toy made of you), it’s Seth Godin.

I mentioned it earlier, but Seth raised $287,342 (7 times his goal) for his book: The Icarus Deception. He was able to do this because he’s built up a tribe of million(s) over the past 20+ years. When he gets ready to release something, people line up.

According to Seth, crowdfunding is the last step, not the first.

Crowdfunding is a way to activate an audience and catalyze a movement - not a way to build one. There are exceptions and outliers to that rule, but if you can’t predictably engineer a result, why attempt it?

There’s nothing worse than putting time and energy into something that is going to fail unless statistically improbable luck plays a factor.

Much better to put the time in NOW to build a platform / tribe / gang / whatever that will support you when you are ready to rock and roll.

You Shouldn’t Crowdfund a Book if You Want to Make a Profit

While crowdfunding is a great validation of what you’re building...crowdfunding itself shouldn't be used as the validation mechanism.

Your idea ought to be validated before you attempt to crowdfund its production.

If you’re just looking to raise money for a project, don’t use Publishizer, or Kickstarter, or Indiegogo - develop a business plan and pitch investors.

Or better yet: bootstrap it yourself.

Echoing the earlier lesson, crowdfunding is about activating your audience and inspiring a movement (even a small, $7,500 movement).

In a lot of cases, crowdfunding doesn't even lead to financial gain (I mentioned it earlier, but I'll be lucky if I end up in the black with this book...ouch, right?).

So if you just want to raise money to make a profit, look elsewhere...

Now It’s Your Turn

Calling all writers, authors, bloggers and anyone else interested in writing and publishing a book in 2015 -  what would you want from a crowd-funding/preorders/crowd-publishing platform for your book?

Share your thoughts / questions / ideas below so we can all learn.

Hope you enjoyed this article. It's over 10,000 words and took me over 10 hours to write. I'll continue to update as my campaign comes to a close.

And finally - if you found this valuable, please share!

Thanks, and keep creating.

- Tom Morkes

Additional Notes:

1. Topsy archive of all Collaborate related tweets part 1 (that included @tmorkes + the word "collaborate")

2. Topsy archive of Collaborate related tweets part 2 (that included @tmorkes + the word "collaboration")

I started consulting 10 months ago.

The first time I offered my services I felt like a phony.

While I felt comfortable and confident with the topics I teach (publishing, product launches, online biz, etc.), I wasn't sure people would see the value...

And I figured even fewer would take me up on it.

In spite of the voices in my head telling me to stop (The Enemy), I decided to test it out anyway...

Before I was ready.

Before I felt confident.

Fast forward a month, and the results were in: people did want my services and were willing to pay a generous amount (click here to read about how I made more than the average US doctor on an hourly basis).

Not only that, but offering my services helped me build confidence in myself and my knowledge.

I get asked questions every day about starting, finishing, and shipping things.

Let’s be honest: I bring this on myself.

Not only do I write about these topics, but I ask everyone I meet or who joins The Resistance to tell me what they’re struggling with (and how I can help).

The nature of this is that some questions come up again and again.

I find they fit a certain trend.

So today, I want to talk about  the second most common question I get asked (right behind “why are you so handsome?” - a question that has no human answer):

First, the question:

Tom, I want to [place description of doing something here, like: write book, sell more kitten mittens, etc.], but I don’t have [place description of excuse here, like: an audience, money, connections, platform, etc.]. What do I do?

Now, the solution is actually pretty obvious: go build or create the thing you’re lacking (audience, money, whatever), then do the thing you want.

Thing is, though, this advice is about as useful as telling a diabetic to stop consuming so much sugar.

Great thought, but the obvious isn’t what we need. If that were the case, the problem would be solved already.

Case closed. We won. Let’s go home.

No, most humans are great at recognizing what needs changing (whether in diet, business, relationships, or life). What we’re not so great at is implementing the changes necessary to succeed.

So what we DON’T need is someone reiterating the problem and telling us a solution.

What we DO need is a framework to facilitate success: a process to help us make change; a template to help us ship our project (or lower our cholesterol).

So if you’re stuck, confused, depressed, exhausted, or ready to throw in the towel (or already have), here’s what you need to do.

For a more in-depth look at building a team and shipping a product to market, check out: Collaborate: The Modern Playbook for Leading a Small Team to Create, Market, and Sell Digital Products Online.

The Open Loop Product Development Framework

The Open Loop Product Development Framework by Tom Morkes

One of the first major projects I collaborated on was a business mastermind for veterans.

What's a business mastermind?

In our case (although they aren't all created equal), it was a 6 month 'a la carte', coach-led, business training program + personal mentoring led by several of today's most successful veteran entrepreneurs online (think millions of listeners, views, and revenue).

The minimum price of entry: $3,000.

A steal for the value (less personalized programs run upwards of $2k - $3k PER MONTH), but expensive as a one-time purchase nonetheless.

The results?


I had a conversation with a friend the other day. We were talking about her situation and what her 5 year goals were.

The response: “to be self-employed with a healthy, cashflowing business.”

“What’s stopping you?” I asked.

“My biggest reservation to becoming an entrepreneur is money. Current funds are limited, and I’m not sure the steps I need to take to make money in the beginning. I mean, I get how it’s done in concept, but I don’t know how to get there, and I’m scared of losing everything. [bolded for emphasis]

This is not an uncommon feeling.

So many people understand – at a conceptual level – how business works: sell something for profit (i.e. for more than you paid for it).

Yet the practical steps to get there are confusing. And the thought of “not making it” or “losing it all” is terrifying.

So what is a driven, motivated person to do?


Last month I got an email from a friend. After 6 months of hustle, she's throwing in the towel.


I felt bad. I hate seeing people fail.

I hate it even more when a project fails that hasn't been properly validated in the marketplace.

In my friend's case, she had only tried one option. It didn't work, so she closed it down.

Surely there must be another way...

Only the Strong Agile Survive

Granted, not all projects are worthwhile. Some simply aren't economically viable.

nev - The 3 Step Pivot Framework: How to Turn Failure into Success

Others might be able to sustain themselves through whatever means (force, trust fund, etc.), but to what end (the excruciatingly slow death of the postal service comes to mind)?

But the reality is: you can't know whether a project is worthwhile from the first failure (not if you want to eventually build something that lasts).

So I told my friend that she shouldn't shut down just yet. Instead, she should pivot.


220px Punishment sisyph - The 2 Most Important Business Lessons I Learned from Andrew Warner of MixergyOf all the cruel punishments the Greek gods bestowed on humans (and one another), the punishment of Sisyphus has to be the worst.

Sisyphus was the king of Ephyra and the son of Aelius (ruler of the winds and son of Poseidon...the guy has some serious lineage behind him).

He was also a prideful, deceitful, murderous ruler; not only was he a chronic liar (deceiving both gods and humans), but he killed travelers and visitors for fun in his own kingdom.

Basically, Sisyphus was a real prick.

Apparently, after one too many deceitful and murderous acts, Zeus decided enough was enough and condemned Sisyphus to an eternal punishment. Except this wasn’t any old punishment. Zeus crafted something uniquely horrible for Sisyphus.

Zeus condemned Sisyphus to push a large bolder up a steep hill.

Difficult for sure, but not the worst thing in the world (or underworld), right?…

Except, like all good Greek myths, there was a catch.

Zeus enchanted the bolder.

Anytime Sisyphus came close to the top of the hill with the bolder, it would slip through his hands, rolling all the way back down to the bottom.

No matter how Sisyphus approached the challenge, his effort was futile.

An eternity of useless, infuriating effort with no payoff.

I recently launched a new product that generated $41,000 in gross revenue, and in this article, I'm going to break down how we did it.

While the launch was a success, the remarkable part isn’t the amount we brought in (I’ve seen bigger launches).

No, what’s remarkable is the process we used to get it off the ground.

You see, most business product development cycles go through a standard process:

They save the launch (and the profit) for the end.

It can work, but it leaves the entrepreneur exposed to a lot of risk:

Do stuff the old-fashioned way, and you'll feel like this guy when no one shows up to buy:

This will display an animated GIF

*    *    *

The interesting part of all this is that it’s actually possible to mitigate the risk of most big ventures, but you have to flip the process on its head:

This nonstandard process puts all the pressure at the beginning: validating your idea with a product launch. There are certainly drawbacks, which we’ll discuss later, but as a product development process, it mitigates the greatest risk to a new enterprise:

It lets us know right away if we’re building something worthwhile (something people want and will pay money for).

This is exactly what we did for our business incubator program, where we brought in $41k from the sale of an idea and a promise.

By selling the idea before you build anything, you save time and money and mitigate the riskiest parts of a new venture. [share]

And in the following sections, I’m going to show you exactly how we did it so you can do it yourself.

But before we get to the meat of it, we should start by debunking a few misperceptions…

Moving Beyond the Lean Startup

If you read a lot of business books or are in a startup yourself, you might be thinking all we did was apply the Lean Startup to our business.

While that’s partly true, it misses the main point.

Let me explain:

The Lean Startup is a process for efficiently creating a new business (Silicon Valley tech startups in particular) by reducing waste (waste of time, money, etc.) through a focus on validation (real world confirmation that our ideas are correct).

Here’s a really simplified example of how it works:

Step 1 – form hypothesis: if we email our list 10 times a day about product X, we will increase total sales of product X*

*note: the hypothesis is usually based on some sort of fact or experience, not just pulled out of thin air like this one was…

Step 2 – test hypothesis: ACTUALLY send out 10 emails a day; measure sales.

Step 3 – confirm the hypothesis: Did it work?  Yes / no.  If yes, optimize.  If no, test something new.*

*bonus points for identifying side effects (in this case, probably a lot of unsubscribes and hate mail).

Step 4 – iterate: Now continue to use this same structure to test ideas in the marketplace.

It’s a little more methodical / scientific than that (sometimes), but you get the point.  Instead of just doing things on a hunch or because something seems like a good idea, lean startups take more time to develop their ideas into testable hypotheses.

The process is really powerful and is the standard for tech startups and SaaS businesses.

But what if you’re not a Silicon Valley startup? 

What if you don’t have the benefit of seed funding to test and validate to your heart’s content?  What if you have mouths to feed, real expenses to pay, and this ‘idea’ doesn’t have the benefit of yearlong tinkering?

Is there another way?

Progressive Validation and the Road to Launch

I’ve been studying lean methodology for the last couple of years.

When I say study, I don’t mean watching TED talks and sharing them on my Facebook feed.

I mean reading, analyzing, and actually applying it in real life scenarios.

When I wrote The Complete Guide to Pay What You Want Pricing, I did something similar.  I wasn’t writing just to write (that’s what my blog is for).  No, I set out with the intent to create something people wanted and would pay for.

I did this by finding a topic people loved (through progressively validating the idea one blog posts and guest blog post at a time) and lean launched a book back in November.

When I launched Insurgent Publishing, I didn’t have a lot of money or time.  I needed to validate from the beginning – otherwise, the idea was as good as dead before I ever started.

I progressively validated the idea by crowdsourcing the solution for our first product (as in: I got people to contribute to the first publication – The Creative Entrepreneur), launched a lean pre-sales campaign, and finally finished and shipped the journal on 1 January.

Now, with our new, in-person business incubator program, we wanted to take the same principles we had been using for the past year, but with one major difference…

We wanted to apply the lean startup process to a premium product – one with more overhead (read: $20,000 minimum).

This meant people would be pre-ordering something for $10,000 not $10…

A big difference.

Question is: would the same techniques that worked to launch a $10 product work for a $10,000 product?

Enter: The Lean Launch

The Lean Launch (a term I think I just made up) takes the Lean Startup methodology and applies it directly to product development.

In the same way that the Lean Startup seeks to launch a business quickly and efficiently, a Lean Launch seeks to launch a single product as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Taken to its edge, the Lean Launch is the process of selling an idea BEFORE you build it. [share]

For my purposes, product here is a broad term.  The product we’ll be talking about in this case study is an in-person business incubation program (a product / service hybrid).

It applies equally to:

If you can build it, you can sell it before you build. [share]

But wait!  How can the scope be so broad!?

The Lean Launch is a practical methodology; a series of steps you can apply to any idea to sell it BEFORE you build it.

It’s not a new concept.

Think of it like presales but on steroids, or running your own personal Kickstarter (but without that silly platform taking 30% of the profit or whatever).

The point is, it is more than possible to get people to buy something that doesn’t exist.

It happens all the time, millions of times a day.

And I’m going to show you how it works.

Why it’s possible to sell something that doesn't exist

Most people probably think I’m crazy for what I’m suggesting (I am a little)…

Or they see the benefits to selling before you build - in theory - but the idea of putting it to work escapes them.

If that’s you – you’re probably thinking too much, or you’re thinking too directly about your specific situation.

For just a moment, don’t think about widgets and applications and software.  Instead, consider some other area like politics.  The majority of people buy into what their representatives / congressmen / presidents say with their vote and / or campaign contributions.  But for what?

For the promise that they will get X, Y, or Z (less taxes, more jobs, a cleaner environment, whatever)


When it comes to selling a proposed product or service, same rules apply (although in my case and yours, there are repercussions if we don’t follow through...wink wink).

Another important thing to consider: you’re not selling to everyone.

In fact, you’re purposely NOT selling to everyone.

Instead, you’re selling to a select few (very few) early adopters.  Passionate early adopters.  The kind of people who are already seeking what you’re building and are will to buy on proof of concept alone.

The Minimal Viable Launch Blueprint (how to sell your idea before you build it)

Last week, I took you through my Profitable Idea Framework:

Step 1: Start with a Problem, not the Solution

Step 2: Kill Bad Ideas…Fast

Step 3: Progressively Validate the Surviving Idea

Once we’ve taken these essential first steps, it’s time to create a sellable idea. For that, I’m going to walk you through section 2: the Minimal Viable Launch Blueprint.

This is the same blueprint I use for every launch, from books to consulting services to conferences, to you name it.

It works.

So take out a pen and paper, bookmark this page, and let’s get to it:

Step 4: Create Your 17 Minute Back-of-Napkin Business Model

Notice how we don’t create a business model until AFTER we’ve progressively validated the idea (no sense in building a business model for every great idea you have).

Also notice that it should take you no more than 20 minutes to create a working business model.

For The Flight Formula (and every project I’ve ever worked on), I use Ash Maurya’s Lean Canvas as a framework (check it out at; and if you like this material, buy his book: Running Lean). Ash’s Lean Canvas is excellent in that it’s a one page business model that hits all the essential elements of a new (and existing) business.

And it works even better when you focus on just one product or service (which is what we’re doing for our lean launch).

Your 17 Minute Back-of-Napkin Business Model should cover the following essential areas:

  1. Who is your customer?  Who is your early adopter?
  2. What problem are you solving?
  3. How do you uniquely solve it?   What makes you stand out from a million other solutions (including: do nothing)?
  4. What’s your solution (key features and benefits)?
  5. How will your customers find you?  How can you get them to you to buy your product?
  6. What are you pricing your product at?  Is this the only revenue stream (in a lean launch, the answer is yes)?
  7. Expenses…what are they?  What is essential that you pay for to (1) lean launch your idea and (2) create the solution afterward (hint: if #7 is greater than #6, cease and desist)
  8. What are you measuring (for a launch: early adopter sales – that’s it)?
  9. And finally: what’s your UNFAIR ADVANTAGE? What’s your GIFT or your superpower that creates your blue ocean (more on this next week – sign up for the webinar to find out more about this)?

Here’s an example of the our in-person business incubator lean canvas.

This took us less than 15 minutes to make but gave us enough of an idea to start building-out our minimal viable idea:

The Flight Formula Lean Canvas

Learn how to lean launch a business with the "Business Building Toolkit"

Barring any major issues (reference #6 and #7 above), this one business model gives you EVERYTHING you need to get started.  More importantly, it lays out the core of what you’re creating, so if you’re ever stuck and wondering what to do, you can reference this business model to see if it fits.

Once we have the business model, it’s time to sketch out the essential pieces.

Step 5: Outline and Wireframe

Wireframing is both art and science.

When I say build the wireframe, I mean create an outline and a skeleton for the essential pieces of what you’re creating.

At a broad level, this means outlining:

  1. Where you will find your customers and how you will get them to your product / service (sales funnel)
  2. What you will need to convince people your idea is worth buying before it’s created (sales page / marketing campaign)
  3. How you plan to launch (live event? Static sales page?)

Wireframing also means outlining the product or service itself in great detail.

When it came to The Flight Formula, we created pages of organized outline.  We broke things down by day, by event, by goal, etc.  Having our event wireframed in detail allowed us to craft a comprehensive sales page quickly and efficiently, and allowed us to sell the idea with confidence (we knew exactly what we intended to build). If you were to look at our wireframe for the event, you’d be able to picture exactly what the incubator will be like from day 1.

A meticulous wireframe is not an option.

You need to wireframe out your product or service in detail so you can create your marketing campaign and sales page (if you’re using one), and ultimately: to sell your idea.

Final warning: do not skip the wireframe.

Step 6: Build ONLY the Essential Pieces (ignore everything else)

This part is tricky because once we have a great idea, our natural tendency is to start building everything.

But the reality is, you don’t need to start creating the membership site for the business you plan to launch right away.  Nor do you need to record the training videos, outline your intro, or create hi resolution graphics…

The essential pieces of a lean launch are:

  1. The sales funnel (the plan and tools for getting people to the sale)
  2. The sales pitch (this can be a time-sensitive sales page, it can be a live webinar, it can be an in person event…wherever and however you plan to sell your idea and accept payment)

For our in-person business incubator program we were lucky in that my collaborators and I had  email lists (all you Resistance Members out there - you're number 1!). Between the two of us, that was several thousand people whom we had already built trust with over many months (and years in some cases).

That meant, at a minimum, our sales funnel would look like an email or two to send people to a sales page and / or a live webinar.

We decided to create a full-on sales page because our product was so expensive, but in many cases, creating a whole sales page isn’t essential. You can just as easily create the pitch in a PowerPoint and save it for the end of a live webinar (which is what we did that helped fill all the spots of our program).

Framing your pitch is a matter of preference and intuition…

There’s no best practice for it, only things that work better for some people and for some products.

But here are some statistical truths, in case you’re not sure what your product launch needs (you can use your best judgment to decide):

  1. Live webinars get people to buy products
  2. Live webinars with exclusive discounts and early bird specials increases sales even more (I’m talking by a factor of two or three)
  3. The more expensive the product, the longer the sales page ought to be (based on ‘best practice’ info in the online sales world)

You can also possibly break all the rules here and have some success. That’s cool – go for it.

If you’d rather be more confident, though, I’d say use the tools and techniques that work (don’t reinvent the wheel – save your creativity for the experience and the product or service you’ll be creating for the customer down the line.

*note: next article, I’m going to walk through, step by step, the process of building out only the essential pieces of our program as well as the tools we used to do it.

I know the hardest thing sometimes as a new entrepreneur is not knowing where to begin or what tools to use, which is why I want to show you exactly how we did it so you can model us (yet have the freedom to change whatever you want for your own purposes).

Step 7: (pre) Sell, Sell, Sell!

When you read this step, I want you to picture someone on that ridiculous 80’s game show where they want big money but no whammies.

In this case, you want committed early adopters and pre-orders (and still no whammies).

The only way to get sales is by selling, and when you finally go to launch, you’re the only one who’s going to sell your product. If you’re an introvert like me, this will be painful the first time (or first 100 times).

But there’s no way around it.

Even if you’ve setup an awesome affiliate program or you have a great no-brainer product, it doesn’t matter. You still have to be the one that sells it.

If you want to be an owner, an entrepreneur, a creator who makes an impact (not a hobbyist)…

Then you also need to be a salesman.

No, you don’t have to do anything slick.

And while there might be selling skills you could learn to improve your results, I believe that’s much less important than (1) creating something of value and (2) articulating that value of said creation to people who want to hear from you.

Yes, easier said than done.

No, there are no shortcuts.

Wrapping up

So there it is.

If you have an idea you want to bring into the world, this is how you do it (if you want to spend more time creating things people like and less time shooting in the dark).

There are obviously a lot of variables thrown into the mix anytime we begin instigating.

As clear as the path to our in-person incubator program launch is to me now, it wasn’t that way in the beginning.

Sure, I’d launched books and other small projects, but never a massive undertaking like this one…

And using Pay What You Want made launching even more difficult with hundreds of more variables now entering the equation (yes, I was crazy for doing it –no, I wouldn’t take it back)…

But the reality is there was no hand-holding, no clear path, and no guarantees. We had to figure it out as we went along, accepting the bumbs, bruises, setbacks, and failures as part of the journey.

In the end, it was a sometimes difficult experience, but totally worth it.

And we’re just getting started.  🙂

I hope you found these past two articles helpful on your creative journey.

Next week, I’ll share with you:

For bonus material, including how to create a lean sales funnel, how to build Facebook Ads to build an audience from scratch, and more check out the "Business Building Toolkit"

This isn't the first product I've shipped that's done over $10,000 in sales.

In fact, I'm writing a book on the step by step process I use to lean launch an idea from just an idea (with no money and no connections).

If you'd like updates, sign up here.

Started in Buenos Aires, Argentina - finished, and shipped in Santiago, Chile.

Total writing time: 6:50 hrs

For a step-by-step path to creating, marketing, and launching your first five or six figure product, read: Collaborate: The Modern Playbook for Leading a Small Team to Create, Market, and Sell Digital Products Online.

In the fall of 2013, I resigned my commission in the US Army.

It was a pretty great moment, I’m not going to lie.

For the previous 9 years, I had been part of an organization that wouldn’t let me go a day without shaving or tucking my pants into my shoes...

But no more.

I was free.

During the last few months before I officially left, I got a lot of questions, usually on the topic of "what’s next?"

“Not sure, but something big,” I’d say.

(and my battalion commander and peers would roll their eyes…what was bigger than what I was already doing?).

Fast forward 8 months and I’m sipping a doble espresso con crema at a side café in Buenos Aires, Argentina (home of black market currency exchangers on every street corner, Madonna’s musical Evita and Johnny Rico), and I’m writing this essay in gym shorts and a 10 day old beard.

Most Argentinians probably see me and think: beautiful American.

But that superficial analysis doesn’t tell the whole story (except for the living the dream part…check). 

Because from that little computer (not a Mac), I was making online alchemy happen.

In fact, just two weeks ago, in a side café much like the one I’m currently in (except from South Africa at the time), I was doing something I was pretty sure was IMPOSSIBLE…

From my location-independent office (coffee shop with wifi), I was launching a brand new company (a remote, business incubator program).

We were just closing up the doors to the program, accepting the last couple entrepreneurs into the program, and the numbers were in…

We cleared $41,000.00.

What our team looked like after the final sales push:

This will display an animated GIF

*    *    *

But Tom, how can you launch a business from a coffee shop!?

Don’t worry, I’ll feed you baby bird…

There are a number of things that are remarkable with this launch. 

Beyond the decent dollar amount we brought in (not the biggest online launch I’ve read about, but enough to validate our business model), and the fact that we were able to launch it from anywhere in the world (I was in South Africa, my partners were in the USA, and our customers were from around the world) we also:

And arguably even more impressive, and what I want to teach you today:

Yes, it’s possible.

Yes, we did it.

And yes, you can do it too.

Today, I’m going to share with you the exact strategy and techniques we used.

Today, I want to focus on profitable idea creation theory and practice.

In other words: how do you create an idea that is MARKETABLE (i.e. one that has a good potential of making money)?

In the next article in the series, I'll cover the launch itself (how we got people to find us and buy our idea – the actual practical steps of creating the sales page, the sales funnel, the sales copy, etc.), and the week after that: how we leveraged initial success to build out our program (think: scaling)

If you have any questions, just post a comment below.

Here we go:

The Profitable Idea Framework

Step 1: Start with a Problem, not the Solution

I’m not going to spend much time on this one.

It’s fairly self-explanatory - but not common practice.

I get emails all the time from people asking for advice on an idea they have.  The problem is, they’re coming to me with a solution.  Usually a version 9.0 vision they’ve been pondering for a while.

The reason this is a problem is because they started backwards.  When you come up with an idea for a product, service, or fully-fleshed out whatever, you’ve skipped over he most important part: the real problem or pain that needs fixing in the first place.

If you want to build a passion-based business – or any business for that matter – you need to start with a problem. 

What’s broken?  What needs fixing?  What would people PAY to have fixed?

That’s all business is: fixing problems.

It’s not any more complicated than that.

No, it doesn’t matter if you think it’s a good idea (more on this below).

All that matters at the start is that you begin with a REAL problem that needs REAL fixing (and there are already people paying to have this problem fixed…don’t go inventing problems, there are enough in real life already).



Step 2: Kill Bad Ideas…FAST

A lot of people have a lot of good ideas.

A lot of good ideas either:

  1. Don’t go anywhere (probably cause they’re not good ideas)
  2. Die at launch (because they’re not good ideas)

Now I’m not talking about hobby projects.

If you have a great idea for a hobby or something you’re passionate about, go for it. Doesn’t matter if other people like it.  Do it cause you enjoy it, enough said.

But if you want to build a business from your passion (what we’re talking about here today), then it’s important to understand that if people don’t want your idea, they won’t pay for your idea, and your great idea really isn’t a great idea.

So we need to kill bad ideas as soon as possible in the product launch lifecycle, otherwise we risk wasting time and money (the grim reapers of business).

So step 1 is to kill off all your bad ideas – fast.


  1. Sketch out your idea (wireframe, model, diagrams, notes, whatever – enough so your average public school 7th grader can understand it).
  2. Show your idea to the people you want to sell it to (marketers sometimes call this group your ‘target demographic’ or ‘ideal customer’ – doesn’t matter. It’s the people you intend to sell to in the near future).
  3. Ask if they like it.

1 of 2 things will happen:

  1. They don’t.  In which case, either modify the idea and bring it back to them, or scrap it and create something new.
  2. They like it.

If they like it, move onto step 3.

Step 3: Progressively Validate the Surviving Idea

Now here’s the important part…

If they like it – do NOT build it.

That’s what amateurs do.

Someone gives them a pat on the back for their idea and they go into full production mode.

Pretty soon, their home is filled with thousands of Kitten Mittens and no one is buying.

This will display an animated GIF

Yes, it’s a great idea. But it doesn’t matter unless people buy.

I’ve done this myself before, and I’ll let you in on a secret: it never pans out how you want it.

No, what you need to do after someone tells you your idea is awesome is VALIDATE IT.

In other words: give them the chance to buy it.

Right now.

As in – put money into your hand for your idea BEFORE you create it.

This technique is nothing new.  It’s basically a glamorous way of saying: get preorders.

Most ‘lean start’ businesses, especially in the software world, use this idea to validate their ideas before they spend years building something.

But it also works for in person events, physical products, services – you name it, you can probably get a preorder.

I used preorders for my book The Complete Guide to Pay What You Want Pricing, where I offered nothing more than a concept of what I was building and was able to bring in enough money to validate building it.

I've since gone on to do this with a half-dozen businesses, books, products, services, and more.

For the business in question, we did the exact same thing but in a bigger way.

This required a more methodical, scaled approach to validation, which I’ll explain below…

Case Study: Progressively Validating Our New Business Idea

Okay, so sometimes you can’t sell your idea right on the spot.

Sometimes, you have to build at least a portion of it before you can truly judge if people will want it (and before people are willing to pay money for it).

This is where progressive validation comes in.

Just because people won’t put down $10k for your idea right now doesn’t mean you should build it then try to sell it.

This isn’t the 1950’s anymore.

Nor does it mean you should scrap the project.

Instead, you should systematically and methodically validate your idea as you build it.

Progressive validation is all about surgical risk mitigation.

At EVERY stage of the product development lifecycle, there is at least one primary risk (usually is takes the form of a major assumption) that could destroy our chances of a successful launch if we do not mitigate it.

The primary risk at the outset of any business or creative venture is the idea itself.

Notice the major assumption we talked about earlier: the ‘great idea’ assumption.

What is great?  How do we define and measure great?  Finally, how can we be sure it’s great?

When it came to our new business, we wanted to build a premium, remote, business incubator program (with a specific focus on what we call "heart-centered business").

We must systematically challenge every assumption here.

First, what is the pain or problem we’re fixing?

Can we validate this statement?

Second, heart-centered…do people care about building businesses that they’re passionate about, or do they only care about making money?

Note: we took our time building our individual platforms (this blog, for example), which was validation that these topics are important to people.  But you could expedite the process by methodically asking questions and researching competitors in your industry.  You could do this in less than a month, easy.

Third, are people willing to pay a PREMIUM for an incubation-style program?

Step 4: Launch Your Minimal Viable IDEA

*note: the last step – progressively validate your idea – is something that is ongoing.  You should constantly be validating your project as you build it.

For us, once we did our research and realized there was potential for such an incubation program, the next step was forming it into a sellable idea.

This section is quite big, so I’m going to leave this for next week.

Next week, we’ll take a look at:

  1. How to create a heart-centered business model in under 17 minutes (the exact model and technique we used)
  2. How to form your idea into a sales offer that your ideal customer can’t refuse
  3. How to build out a sales page that converts readers into buyers
  4. How we built all this in under a week with very simple and accessible tools

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Started, finished, and shipped in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Total writing time: 4:45 hrs
