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When people sign up for my email newsletter, the first email they get is an inquiry: What is the BIGGEST pain / problem / or struggle you're dealing with right now in your business? I typically get dozens of responses a week, and I do my best to answer each one. Over time, when I […]
As you know, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Wacky Wednesday, and a whole bunch of other cleverly named days are coming up... Each will present you with a plethora of discounted items, from TV's and Furbies, to digital games, music, and software at bargain prices. I am actually a huge fan of this time of year. […]
I watched the new Steve Jobs movie last week. Spoiler: he invents the iMac. The point of the flick: paint a portrait of the guy that created the iPod, the round, partially-translucent, magenta colored desktop computer, and giant smartphones called iPads. It seems the writer-director combo decided the best way to do this would be to time-travel […]

How to Find Your True Calling

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Have you found your true calling? Seriously, have you? I know this question can come off sounding corny... After all, "finding a calling" sounds like something only hippies and hipsters (cousin of hippy) have time to ponder (over cups of latte or green juice, I'm sure). For the rest of us who are trying to […]

What Makes You The Expert?

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This past June, my wife and I spent 15 days exploring Ecuador. Unlike the other countries we visited this past year, our Ecuador adventure involved a lot of bus travel. On the plus side, Ecuadorian bus travel is cheap. We traveled by bus from the Pacific Ocean to the Amazon jungle, with a couple stops […]
In the past twelve month, I’ve: Traveled to 5 continents Spent time in 12 countries Literally lived out of a car for two months in New Zealand Almost got stomped by an elephant in Africa Snorkelled the Great Barrier Reef Driven through the deserts of Namibia to find cave man paintings (found them!) Had way […]

5 Reasons to Share Your Work

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Today’s blog post is about a question I don’t ever get asked, but I wish people WOULD ask me: Tom, why should I share my work online? Great question, Tom! And I’ll explain in one second. But first, a backstory… I started my terminal leave from the Army 1 year ago this month (actually, 28 […]
Of all the cruel punishments the Greek gods bestowed on humans (and one another), the punishment of Sisyphus has to be the worst. Sisyphus was the king of Ephyra and the son of Aelius (ruler of the winds and son of Poseidon...the guy has some serious lineage behind him). He was also a prideful, deceitful, […]
Last week, we wrapped up the The Flight Formula LIVE – an intensive, in-person, heart-centered business incubator program. For 7 days, a small group of motivated entrepreneurs met in the mountains of Asheville to discover their gifts, activate their purpose, and build heart-centered businesses from scratch. Jason and Asher led the way (with me providing […]

The Entrepreneur's Journey

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There it is. After grinding it out for years… After hustling every minute of every day…. After putting 100% of everything you’ve got into reaching your goal… You see the top. It’s within reach. Finally… You take a knee to pause and reflect… It’s been a long time coming. When you began, the wins were […]
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