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The future of email marketing

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New privacy changes are coming that could hurt your email marketing efforts. Here's what to do about it.
Discover the secret to dealing with uncertainty, fear, and chaos by understanding the difference between affordances and an obstacles.
Whatever "social media" was intended to be, in the last few years it seems to have begun an inexorable decline into what it always had to become: A 24/7, always-on, personalized fear machine. All you have to do is look into the "black mirror" in your pocket, and you'll see what I mean. How many […]
Learn how to grow your reach and increase your profit by selling books directly to your readers, fans, and followers via Facebook Messenger.
"The True Believer" is a book about mass movements that also happens to be a very useful blueprint for your marketing. Written by Eric Hoffer and originally published in 1951, "The True Believer" makes a convincing case for the existence of "mass movements" - what they are, how they work, how they form, and their […]

Should you host a virtual summit?

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Discover the good and bad of hosting a virtual summit.
Did you know that half of all internet traffic is fake? True story: According to research conducted and compiled by HostingFacts, 51.8% of all internet traffic comes from bots. In other words, every other person who visits your blog, lead magnet, or sales page is very likely a bot (and totally fake). Have you ever […]

How to profit from the long tail

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The way we market and sell online is changing. There are more people online than ever before, spending more money than ever before on things that give them a leg up in the world. That means more money going to ebooks, ecourses, and other forms of online education; coaching, consulting, and advisory services; software solutions, […]

How does a free book make money?

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A newsletter subscriber recently asked me this question: "how does launching a book as a freebie help to make the book make money over the long term?" I get this question a lot. It's partly why I created a completely free course about how to launch a free book, and why I've even shown people "behind […]
Last week, I spoke at the annual Military Influencers Conference on the topic of influencer marketing. Before my presentation, I was told by the host of the event that my topic was in high demand from conference-goers; and the packed house proved that to be true. Of course, why wouldn't this topic get a lot […]
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